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When you fall into a bottomless pit
When you face the horde of hell
Set your sights
Look to the land of dark skies
The land of rumbling thunder
Hurry you must
Don't be late
Slip and tumble you must
Why should you stop
Why should you stop
Face a thundering clap
Should you go on
Should you go on

You must go on
For the sake of your descendants
Go on
March to victory
Lead on
Stay together as one
Leave no man behind
March on
March together
Two is better than one
Three is better than two
You are not alone

Beware of false men
Be alert
Not everyone is an angel
Demons roam the world
As much as us
Look closely
Even those close to us could be false
Do not assume all are wrong
The angels are near
Ready to help
Do not let evil affect your heart
Keep out
You might say

Continue the journey
Till you see a white path
It shines brightly
Lighting the way
The dark clouds upon you now
There may shower you in sadness
They may scare you with clanging
But they bring hope
Only to those who are not late
Early you must
So the white path splits into seven
Travel along any path but white
They all lead to the same place
The white leads back
To those who cannot cope
Stay on the white path

Choose any path from seven
Once you choose
Stick to it
Walk on
As you walk
The skies clear
Revealing a sky that defies all
The end is near
So close to victory
And victory you shall get
Stay together
Leave no man behind
Don't be late

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