♠️Takasugi Shinsuke x Reader♠️

Start from the beginning

"What was that, Zura? For someone who doesn't have an insect pestering them to no end, you won't understand."

"Zura janai, Katsura da. And..."

Takasugi walked out of the hall. Soon later, Sakamoto's obnoxious laugh carried all the way to the temple gate, where the Kiheitai Commander stood leaning against the wood.

The rebel camp spread out on the field below, dotted with soldiers hurrying about to tend to the wounded. Many heaving bodies were strewn across stretches stained with blood old and fresh. But each breathed, some joked to alleviate their pain. And they were surviving, that was what mattered most.

Twilight eventually melted to night. The slow withdrawal of the sun was as if they had all the time in the world. As if a raging war wasn't eating away at them little by little each time a comrade fell.

And turmoil started its countdown.


I run as fast as my numb legs can carry me.

Fleeing through the wet forest-floor, jerking over gnarled roots, I only pray that the cries of the baby in my arms won't be the cause to us to our doom.

I can't hear my pursuers over the ragged pants that are tearing apart my throat. I don't know if they're still close behind, and it doesn't matter if I'm losing a sense of direction as I march forth like my life depends on it. This child's life depends on it. The memory of those cold-blooded men sheathing blades toward a newborn is enough to push my feet past its limits.


Forward and forward still.

Until the trackless ground slopes upward onto a hill and becomes harder to climb. As we pass each beech trees—so dense they plunge the woods shades darker than the dusk—the baby's shrieks rise to a whole new hysteria.

"Hush, hush." I look behind my back before daring to slow down. Nature's cries envelop us, but so far the bushes behind me remain unmoving.

"Hush, sweetheart," I rasp, attempting to calm her. The bundle of things strapped to my back feels heavier with every passing second. "Everything's alright. I'll keep you safe, I promise I will. So hang on a little longer, okay?"

After she calms down a part, I continue on, still not convinced that I've missed my pursuers completely yet.

I stop short when the forest abruptly clears away, to an ancient temple situated on top of the hill. A set of stairs cuts into the stone of the valley, flanked by deep undergrowth on both sides that shrouds the horizon beyond.

Alarm still thrumming in my blood, I waste no time to rush up the stairs, clutching my child close to my chest and begging for someone to please be present.

As I reach the top step, two armed men briskly unsheathe their blades. "Who are you?" one of them demands, leaving his post by the gate.

"Please," I pant, out of breath, broken and worn. "Please save us. Some people are trying to kill my child! Please help us!"

When both of them approach, wariness in the way they grip their sword, I instinctively step back and hug the baby closer for protection. Tears have dried on my cheeks, and my bloodshot eyes assess if coming up here could end up worse than being stranded alone.

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