Even with the other man's good looks, Xie Yan could tell the other had been fighting for a long time. Xie Yan pushed the man away from him, expressionless, making him collapse on the grass in a large lump.

Xie Yan squatted beside the man to look at him. He was tall and wearing a white shirt. Through the fabric, he could see the thin muscles covering his bones, full of strength and beauty.

It was really enviable. Xie Yan was starting to feel jealous.

Xie Yan saw that the other man's body was bleeding continuously. It was estimated that the injury on his back broke open from the action just now. Xie Yan reached out to turn his face, and suddenly the man opened his eyes from the contact.

His black eyes were stunning, like obsidian, which made Xie Yan want to touch them. But those eyes were now covered with a layer of confusion, like a thin fog.

Xie Yan felt a whole barrage in his heart, and then he was grabbed around his neck and choked.

"Who are you?" The beautiful man clenched his teeth and demanded, "Who sent you?"

Neck! Neck! Neck! Elder brother, there will be no answer. You have grabbed my life by the throat. How do you expect me to talk to you and make eye contact?! Xie Yan struggled desperately to break off the grasp of the other's fingers. Who knew that this man would still be so strong when he was injured. His fingers were like steel tongs, and Xie Yan couldn't even move a single digit.

Xie Yan's eyes started to roll back, and his breath was as thin as a thread.

Walley rolled through the grass back and forth, hurriedly around them, "Don't fight! You don't fight!"

Xie Yan felt that the fingers on his neck went a little slack. He immediately broke away from one finger to let him loose and said to Walley, "Electrify him!"

Just for a moment, his voice was hoarse.

When this man woke up, he must blackmail the other party for medical expenses. He was too cruel!

Walley heard the words, put two hands on the man's arm, and silver sparks created a blue arc: CRACKLE!

The man convulsed as if he had epilepsy and finally lost consciousness before falling to the ground.

Xie Yan's fingertips were numb. He couldn't ignore the fact that his face was facing the ground. He coughed several times desperately before he breathed in fresh air into his lungs and felt that he had finally survived. Walley came over to check on the man and said to Xie Yan, "He's injured. It's not very good."

Xie Yan, "Alas, he's still here..."

Xie Yan's dog-like nature began to break out. If he looked good, he had to have money. He could only comfort himself that the man's action just now was a kind of subconscious self-protection. No matter how angry he was, he had to wait for the other to be conscious and then calculate the damages. Xie Yan decided this, drove a car over, threw the body like a dead dog into the car, and went home.

I haven't done this much work in a day. I'm more tired than if I had run a marathon.

In the grass, a voice sounded like a whisper, "Help me, I'm still here. Look at me."

A silver bracelet inlaid with dark blue gems was lying in the grass. The light refracted in the sun, and it was very beautiful.

It was a pity that no one heard it.

"Master..." The bracelet was so heartbroken that it could not help weeping.

Unfortunately, its owner had fallen into a coma, so no one could save it from the mud.

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