She sat her mother down and explained to her that while she still wants marriage that alone could not be the sole driving force of her life. She focussed on rebuilding her life, did a master's in public relations and pursued her different interests like learning a piano. Yet here she was married and to a person she had no expectations from at all.

She convinced herself for so long that he was the wrong guy for her, and it would be disastrous for them. Contrary to her preconceived notions of him, he was turning out to be the one she was looking for all along.

It was starting to feel a bit chilly when Ezgi found herself being wrapped by the warmth of a blanket. She stared at Ozgur as he sat down next to her on the bench looking at the stars. He looked his usual charming self, explaining to her something about the constellations he could see.

 He looked his usual charming self, explaining to her something about the constellations he could see

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"You'll spot the stars in the sky, not on my face..." Ozgur looked extremely smug popping out his dimples.

"True but I can still find the wrinkles just like the moon..." Ezgi tried to recover the situation.

"You're just jealous, I look perfect... However, it's you who have been looking a bit tired lately..." He retorted.

"Of course I'm tired, I've to keep up with you..." She rolled her eyes.

"Your tiredness could be due to a vitamin deficiency but don't worry I know just the cure..." He winked at her.

"What?" She narrowed down her eyes at him.

"Vitamin me" He spread out his arms to rile her up even more.

"Ewww don't you dare use those stupid pick-up lines on me that you use at the bar" She slapped his arm.

"What's wrong with my lines? They always do the trick." He raised his collar feeling proud.

"Right? They worked well to the extent you needed my help to chase them out the next day." Ezgi remembered the time when she went to his apartment one morning to see Ozan and a stranger opened the door. Ozgur acted as if Ezgi was his girlfriend and she took undue advantage of the situation by hitting him a few times.

"You had fun that day, didn't you?" Ozgur smiled recalling how much she hit him pretending like he cheated on her.

"A little bit" Ezgi indicated with her hands and smiled.

Ozgur focussed on her face that glowed under the moonlight as she smiled

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Ozgur focussed on her face that glowed under the moonlight as she smiled. He could not understand this sudden fascination with admiring her face. Those lips looked perfect tinted red. It complimented her face so well.

"I thought we were supposed to be looking at the stars in the sky..." There was a hint of smirk on her lips and her eyes lit up.

"I was but it seems like I'm blinded by the one shining next to me..." His eyes still focussed on her. At this point, he lost track of whether he was trying to annoy her or being honest.

"Ozgguuurr" Ezgi got up to go when he tugged her hand and she fell on him. Her hands went around his neck, their noses touched as she inched closer to caress his lips. She opened her eyes to meet his and a sudden dread filled them. They let go of each other.

"I... I think..." Ozgur stammered trying to find the right words to say.

"I'm going for a shower" Ezgi fled from there, not prepared to have a conversation or worse, expecting him to abandon her.

"Great" Ozgur threw his hands in the air and sighed as she disappeared. He managed to scare her away.


Next morning, Ozgur turned around to look at her as he opened his eyes. Since when was it okay for him to share the bed with someone as he always preferred sleeping alone. He tucked away that stray strand of hair behind her ear. His mind was in a mess and he needed to spend some time alone to clear his head.

Ezgi woke up to an empty room, there was no sign of Ozgur just as she expected. While she wore her heart on sleeve, Ozgur was quite the opposite. He was more restrained when it came to his feelings. She knew she had to find him.

Ozgur sat near the hilltop but instead of admiring the view that surrounded him, he was lost in his own world. He never analysed what caused him to propose to her but felt the change in the way he looked at her ever since she walked towards him in full bridal glory. He was falling for her but a part of him feared about meeting her expectations. Any mistakes would ruin everything between them forever.

"Next time would you prefer to escape to some beach or a plateau..." Ezgi settled down beside him tired.

"Wouldn't it be too easy for you then?" Ozgur chuckled, not surprised at the fact that she found him. She did it earlier as well when he escaped home as he got overwhelmed with the situation at home following his fathers' indifference and his mother's pretence that it was okay.

"Lucky me there was only one hill you could escape to here..." Ezgi checked the maps and realised  that this could be the only place he could escape to.

It was something Ozgur did when he was overwhelmed with the situation and was confused about what to do. Sevim was too perfect at times, she always carried on with a smile on her face no matter what and shielded him from any sorrow.

"Maybe it's my luck that you find me always" Whenever he was troubled, she reached out to him somehow. There was no doubt, she was the one for him.

"Can we go now? I've a surprise for you." Though she wanted to tell him to share his thoughts with her, she decided to leave the conversation for a later time. Last time they were emotional, he proposed to her and she agreed.

Ezgi relived the moments that happened last time and led them to change the course of their relationship forever. She saw him walk out of his family home and get into the car without acknowledging her. Noticing his tensed form, she followed him down to the cliffs. He ran crazily for a while and finally settle on the ground. She went and sat beside him reaching out for his hand. There was silence for a long time and finally he asked her to marry him as they watched the waves crash on the shore.

"Let's go" He got up and held out his hand for her, which she willingly took.

"You might have to lift me down the steps again." She frowned as they descended the hill and made their way into the town.

"At your service, my princess" Ozgur faked a bow, causing her to chase him to their stay.

"Vespa? Is this the surprise?" His eyes went wide acknowledging the scooter in the driveway.

"Yes, but we need to freshen up and look up the routes first" Ezgi opened the door and went in. She called a rental before leaving to find him and arranged for it.

Once they were ready and researched on the route, they set off on the journey. As the wind hit them, he suddenly felt carefree and enjoyed the ride. Halfway through he let her have a go, but she was afraid even to hold the handlebar. With his arms enveloping hers, face near her shoulder he helped her steer the handlebar. She tried her best to focus on the road while his breath fanned her neck. He let her go slowly and she could finally concentrate better. This has been on her bucket list for so long. She enjoyed driving it as she found her balance while he spread his arms and legs in the air and enjoyed being the passenger.


Longest I took to write a chapter... I'm confused more than them... anyways let me know what you thought

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