Miles to go

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"Deniz I apologise for what happened till now. It wasn't my intention. I just got carried away..." Ozan tried to apologise sincerely.

"That doesn't make it any better though..." Deniz argued.

"As we're about to work together I just want to end all the bad blood. Honestly, you have captured my attention from the moment I saw you. I might have acted like a fool, but I promise I'll be on my best behaviour at all times from now on." He offered peace.

"Fine... I'll let it go for Ezgi's sake..." She gave up.

"Thank you" Ozan smiled.

They discussed a few things about the restaurant and nibbled on the appetisers Ozan had brought.

Continuous ringing of her mobile distracted Ezgi from admiring Ozgur. It was her mother, and her eyes went wide in shock.

"Anne asked us to drop by for breakfast today. I forgot about it." Ezgi admitted to him.

"There is an app called a calendar on your mobile where you can set reminders for forgetful people like you... better use it..." Ozgur taunted her.

"What do I tell her now?" She glared at him.

"She might have mentioned breakfast so we would at-least make it by lunch. Just tell her we'll come tomorrow as we're having guests now." He tried to offer a solution. She answered the call and told her the same.

"No, don't. I mean there's already a lot of food." Ezgi looked like she was about to cry when the call ended.

"What happened?" Ozgur asked immediately.

"She was worried since I missed her texts and is already on the way to drop food at home." Ezgi looked at Ozgur.

"What? She'll find Ozan and Deniz and would grill him." Ozgur increased speed to go home quickly. Things were already skewed between Deniz and Ozan and he could not add his mother-in-law to that.

As they saw her mother's car in the driveway, she got down and rushed in immediately.

"Anne" She hugged her mother from behind while Nevin was staring at Ozan suspiciously.

"Thanks for keeping Deniz company Ozan" Ezgi helped Ozan.

"That's fine... the food seemed to have cooled down, let me heat it up." Ozan picked up a dish and went to heat it.

"What's happening here? Where did you go?" Nevin questioned her.

"Anne" Ozgur walked in with the bags in his hand and placed them on the counter.

"We ran out of wine, so we went to get it. Since you're here why don't you join us for lunch." He pulled a chair for her.

"I left Unal at home. You kids have fun." Nevin handed them food and left.

Once they had lunch, Deniz and Ezgi were in the garden while Ozan and Ozgur left for the restaurant.

"How was your trip Ezgi?" Deniz raised an eyebrow.

"Great..." Ezgi told her about her climb and other interesting things she did.

"I still don't understand your sudden decision to marry him... We know how insecure Yesim was throughout the relationship. How can you trust him?" Deniz tried to understand the reasoning behind her friends' sudden impulsive decision. Ezgi just came home one day, packed her stuff, and informed her that she was marrying Ozgur and moving out to stay with her parents till the wedding. She tried to initiate the discussion before but Ezgi was too engrossed in wedding stuff that she always escaped to answer.

"You can't take Yesim seriously. I was among her list of suspects too. We shared an apartment back then. Can you tell me how many times I met Ozgur throughout their relationship?" Ezgi crossed her arms questioning her best friend. Deniz became part of her life when she became her housemate. Deniz moved to London from Istanbul following a messy divorce. Initially she was very reserved but as Ezgi helped her with settling into life in a new city, they soon became best friends.

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