Count on me

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"When did I sign up for this?" Ezgi sighed.

"Probably when you agreed to get married..." Ozgur smirked.

"Seems like a terrible decision..." She closed her eyes.

"I asked you twice..." He continued to walk.

"Third time wouldn't have hurt..." Ezgi tried to keep up while he made it seem effortless.

"Too late now..." He stood in her way and turned to look at her. Due to his height, it seemed like he was towering her.

"This looks like a shortcut... let's take this" Ezgi snapped out of the eye contact and pointed in the direction of a path that seemed short compared to the zig zag path everyone seems to be taking.

"Let's stick to the path" Ozgur analysed that this new path was at an altitude and would tire her out.

"You can choose what you want but I'll go this way." She chose her path and would stick to it.

"Suit yourself" Ozgur knew she was stubborn.

"I can't do this" Halfway through she collapsed on the ground when she felt him whisk her away in his arms. He climbed the path carefully holding on to her. Once they were back on the original path, he made her sit on one of the stones acting as a bench. He pulled out some sandwiches out of the bag.

To seem like a normal couple, they decided it would be better to go on honeymoon. Except she decided they split a week each to do things they wanted to do. She least expected him to make her climb a mountain, that too Britain's highest. What else was she expecting? This was Ozgur Atasoy, who relished in troubling her. He gave her some consideration in sticking to the tourist path and not choosing the difficult alternative.

"It's beautiful" Once she felt energised, Ezgi admired the stunning views of lakes and peaks that seemed straight out of a background image.

"Wait till you reach the peak, I did a good job picking a sunny day" Ozgur patted himself for picking a clear and sunny day to climb.

"Ozgur I can see the summit now. Why don't you go ahead? I'll wait for you to come back." Ezgi folded her legs and sat comfortably.

"You made it this far Ezgi. Don't you want the souvenir picture to show Ozan that you did it?" Ozgur encouraged her.

"I'm happy with the views here" She was in no mood to move.

"Don't give up now. I promise I'll do whatever you want." He tried his best to convince her.

"Is it? Send that as a text to me now" Ezgi's eyes lit up.

"Text? There's no signal." He checked his mobile.

"Doesn't matter, it'll be sent whenever a signal picks up.... I don't trust you" She seemed adamant.

"Done" He typed and displayed it for her to check.

"Let's go" She got up to go.

"You don't trust me?" Ozgur was surprised at the revelation.

"Let me think of the last time you stuck to your words... no... na da" She stopped to think for a moment and then continued the walk.

"That's not true...I always acted in your best interests" He tried to recollect past instances.

"Oh, is that how you justify ?" She rolled her eyes.

"Ok let's start from the very first... Don't lie to me, you had fun at the funfair..." Ozgur challenged her, recalling the memory.

"Yea being grounded for a week and extra homework that followed was double the fun." Ezgi recalled the memory of how he conned their maths tutor into believing that she was sick to cancel the evening session. Ozgur tricked her into convincing the parents that the session was cancelled, and they were free to go to the funfair. It all went well until the next day the tutor called her mother to check on her and they were busted. Ozgur conveniently put the blame on her and she had to take the punishment.

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