Imagine 1

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You are at a party which your friends dragged you too. Parties weren't really your thing, but you had to be their as it was your best friends birthday.

Your best friend eryn said "hey I'm going to go dance you coming?"
"No I'm going to the bathroom and then I'll dance" you replied

She nodded her head and went to the dance floor as you walked the opposite way to find the bathroom. You didn't know where it was as your best friend hired some sort of castle thing for her birthday.

You head up the stairs walking into each room trying to figure out where the bathroom was. You walked into one of the rooms only to see your boyfriend Brad making out with that bitch you hated.

"WHAT THE FUCK BRAD?!"you yelled. He stopped kissing her and said "it's not what it looks like!"
"Oh so I'm just imagining that you just had your tongue down her throat!" You say as you look both of them in disgust.

You slammed the door and ran down stairs, your eyes filling with tears. You walk over to the bar and got a drink whilst tears run down your face.

"Hey err are u ok?" A blonde boy said. "Oh er ye I'm fine" you replied sipping your drink. "You don't seem names Leo but the way" he said whilst ordering a drink. "My boyfriend just cheated on me" you said whilst balling your eyes out. As you said that, Brad ran down the stairs yelling your name. You stand up and wipe your tears. You look at Leo and say "kiss me"

He looks confused but doesn't hesitate. He does and you enjoy every moment until a familiar voice yells "WHAT THE FUCK DUDE?!" It was Brad. He pushes Leo of you and grabs him by the collar. Leo looks unbothered. "That's my girl" he yells threatening to punch Leo in the face. "Doesn't seem like it, you just had your tongue down another girls throat" Leo replies with a smirk.

Brads friend drags him away from Leo before it got to serious. Leo winks at you. "Thank you" you mumble "for what" he says with a giggle "for...that" he smiles and says "any time, by the way I thought you were really cute but didn't say anything because I knew you had a boyfriend but now that that is over do you want to go out some time?" He replies. "Are you flirting with me?" You reply with a smirk"maybe" he replies with a smirk "so what do you say?" He says with a smile "I thought you'd never ask" you say with bright eyes.

He smiles and you guys talk all night long, occasionally getting a death stare from Brad and his friends.

Leonardo DiCaprio Imagines xx Where stories live. Discover now