"Well I helped my mum with the gardening and dad with remodeling" Remus said with a small smirk

"What about you Evans??" Sirius said nudging her

"Ohh um uneventful" lily said not wanting anyone to know about her father

"Ohh c'mon Evans something cool must have happened" James yelled and Sirius leaned all the way back into his seat so the two could see each other

It was the first time she properly looked at him his eyes were hazel as always his hair all over the place and that damned smirk playing on his lips

"No honestly nothing much happened it wa-

Bang!! The bloody cavalry arrived

"So the rumors are true!!" Marlene said as she stood by the door with her umbrella pointed at Sirius as she scowled at the boy who raised an eyebrow at her

"You ditched us for them!!" Alice said in a "sinister" voice as she peeped over Marlene's shoulder

"Ohh it's so very true!!" Lily said deciding to humor them

The boys shared a glance and looked as the boys looked at the girls in amusement

"Well Miss Evans fear no more your rescuers are here!!" Marlene said and held her hand out

"I'll see you boys around" Lily said as she got up and grabbed Marlene's hand and yanked to her feet

"Ohh my poor poor child!!" She said pulling her in for a hug in a dramatic fashion

"Thanks for letting me stay" Lily said and shot Remus a smile to which he nodded

"Oi I'm her rescuer I'am!!" Alice sang in accent that resembled Hagrid's

The girls chuckled and made their way to the compartment next door and settled in it

After the girls left the boys made themselves comfortable and stretched themselves out in their compartment

"Well that went well for once in your life you didn't make a fool out of yourself" Remus said looking at James

"She was totally checking you out" Sirius said with a scoff lighting a cigarette

"No she wasn't!!" Peter said and scoffed

"Yes she was did you see how flustered she got when she saw you from across the seat??" Sirius said looking at James who was debating whether it happened or not

"Go to sleep!!" Remus said as he lay his head against the window and closed his eyes

"No!!" Lily's voice was heard causing the boys bolt up and share a look to which Remus quickly spoke

"James eavesdropping is n-

James pressed his ear against the wall Sirius following suit immediately after

"What no I did not tell them!!" Lily said

"Well their going to find out anyway!!" Alice said

"Well rather they find out through gossip than I ta-"

James heart clenched as he heard a sob , he felt like his world was crumbling

"Ohh Lil!!"

Sirius and James pulled away and looked at each other then Peter and Remus who gave us questioning looks

"What do you think happened??" Sirius asked

"Did she tell you anything??" James asked Remus who shook his head

"James do-" James walked out the compartment and went tot he next door one he knocked and opened the door revealing Marlene and Alice

"Where is she??" He asked immediately

"You heard didn't you??" Alice asked and he nodded

"What was it about??" James asked in a small voice

"Her father passed two weeks ago James" Marlene said and James physically stumbled backwards

"They were really close and as always her bitch of a sister found a way to blame her-

"Where is she??"

"She went to the Hufflepuff end looking for the sweets car-"

He walked down to the Hufflepuff compartment and saw her sitting at one of the tables looking out the window

"Hey" he said sliding into the seat next to her

"Hi" she mumbled eyes still fixed on the view outside

"Lily??" He asked and she looked at me her beautiful eyes were rimmed red

"You can talk to me" he said and she looked at him clearly contemplating what to say

"It hurts" she said voice breaking James quickly  moved across to her seat before he sat he stopped and looked at her

"Can I??"

Lily was shocked he had asked her permission to sit next to her two years ago he would have thrown himself into the seat

"I know" he said and looked at her he  reached for her hand but stopped and looked at her again she shook her head and grabbed his hand

She sniffled and a tear ran down her cheek , James immediately wiped it away

"It's alright Evans" he said said wrapped my arms around her she tensed but then relaxed crying into his shoulder

After what felt like a never ending eternity which James never wanted to end they pulled apart she wiped her cheeks with her sleeves and looked at him

"Thanks" she said and looked at her shoes

"I'm always here Evans whe-

"Potter!! Evans!!"

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