Chapter 24

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     It had been ten days since the start of the new year when Sarah woke with the crippling cramp in her stomach, Zander lifted his head from his breakfast and glanced at her from across the table. The concern filled his eyes as he questioned her welfare.

'I'm fine' she insisted 'it's just nerves about being on my own for the first time.'

'Are you sure you're going to be ok? Because if it's making you feel this bad, I can always stay here,'

Sarah sat back against the chair and placed her hands over the top of her bump and slid them down again. 'Don't do that' she told him 'you have to work and, besides, I won't be on my own for long. Mum and Rosie will be along later.'

Zander shrugged and looked at his watch as he shovelled the remainder of his breakfast into his mouth and stood from the chair while still chewing. 'Not hungry?' he asked her when he noticed the toast still on her plate, one slice only half eaten and he grabbed it before Sarah could protest. 'I've got to go, I need to be at the hotel for ten.'

Everything he had been told about not talking with a mouth full of food was forgotten about as he spoke. Sarah pulled away as he leaned over to kiss her while he still chewed the food.

'Brush your teeth first' she demanded, following him out of the kitchen and towards the front door, she attempted the sports bag from the ground until his hand gently pushed her away, scornfully.

'I will brush them when I get there' he answered in response to her earlier demand 'but right now, I'll be late if I don't head off.' He threw the bag over his shoulder and, once the door was open, pressed his lips against hers-holding them there until his tongue slid inside.

'Do you have to be gone for four days?' Sarah sighed as she pulled away.

Zander mimicked her pouted expression until it made her smile and she slapped his arm playfully. 'That's better' he chuckled and swiped his fingers across the bottom of her lip, then slowly he drove his fingers across the bottom of her lip, then slowly he drove his hand down her body until it rested on her rounded belly.

'Be a good boy for mummy' he kissed his other hand and placed it on the opposite side. Sarah leaned against the door and waved as he drove off.


It was only an hour before the predicted heavy snowfall began to envelope the street and it was quickly followed up by a gale force blast of wind which whistled furiously and rattled the windows.

'Looks like we made that just in time' a familiar voice sounded as the door clicked open. Sarah shuffled forward in the chair, attempting to stand and greet her visitors when she recognised the voice as that of her mother's but another powerful cramp crippled her stomach, forcing her back down.

'Hello love' Debbie chirped 'your sister and I have come to keep you company for a few hours.'

Sarah smiled as they both entered, placing themselves down on either side of the couch as Sarah lifted herself from the armchair once more, this time succeeding. 'How about some tea' she suggested but was already in the kitchen before any protests could be made.

'So, that's Zander away for four days then?' Debbie began and waited for Sarah to reply but all that could be heard from the kitchen was a loud, painful cry from Sarah.

The women ran to the kitchen where Sarah was leaning over the counter, her body swaying backwards and forwards as she remembered the advice that had been drilled into her. She slowly took a deep breath and, with equal speed, released it again.

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