Chapter two

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"Mistress please." Pleaded Mira, a cup of crimson in her hand.

" Quiet." Snapped Azaria as she paced in the parlour, skin pale and bruises under her eyes.

" You haven't fed in days, at this rate you'll go berserk and attack them!" Shouted Mira.

" Trust me, they'll look forward to it, after all it would give them an excuse to kill me." She sneered.

" Are you that eager for death?"

Mira's sad voice made her pause.

" Leave me Mira." She sighed.

" But-"

" Now."

"Yes Mistress."

Azaria sighed before leaning heavily onto the mantle. She swallowed tightly, a dry hollowness within her throat.

" Damn it. " she swore and massaged her throbbing head with shaking hands.


Blake stood in front of his grim family, a dark gothic structure loomed mockingly in front of them.

" Pretty clinche." Laughed Renee nervously.

Seth smiled reassuringly,  tightening his grip on her hand. In the corner of his eye he could see the drawn faces of his mentors.  With a grim smile he approched the doors. As if readng his intent the doors slid open gracefully, pulled by invisable hands.

As soon as he took a step , a swirl of mist  appeared in front of them taking the form of a small girl.

Immediately they all drew thier weapons and flared thier auras. Unfazed the blonde bowed slightly and gazed at them with unblinking eyes of clouded blue.

" Welcome, My mistress has been expecting you."

" Mistress..." murmured Renee, bewildered.

" Please follow me." The girl intoned quietly and gracfully started down a dully lit corridor.

Sharing a look with his brother, they followed the mysterious blonde.

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