"Are you asking me this because of Soobin? I don't have feelings for him anymore."

"Dodging the question means yes," Huening Kai let out, "I'll just have to ask Yeonjun."

"Stop, don't be wierd," Beomgyu whined a little.

Huening Kai let out a light chuckle.

Beomgyu's eyes drifted to the plushie in Huening Kai's hands, "Soobin got you that?"

"Yeah, isn't it cute," Huening Kai gushed over the plushie, "it reminds me of Soobin, huggable, cute and squeezable," he pressed the plushie to his body at the last sentence.

"He also got me signed novels from my favourite author, Nerd Bunny."

"What kind of name is that?" Beomgyu rose a brow.

"The person is an anonymous writer, their works is so good....I can borrow you some, not from this though," he gestured to the signed novels in his bag, "I have some other of their books at home, I'm going to treasure this two."

"Their?" Beomgyu questioned.

"I don't know if the writer is a boy or a girl, but I feel it's a girl....they have written and aided in a lot of scripts for movies, the person started writing at a very young age."

Beomgyu nodded before sighting the penguin water bottle and head band in Huening Kai's hands, "Taehyun?"

"Yeah," Huening Kai rose the bottle, "it's really cute isn't it."

Beomgyu nodded.

"I better get going," Huening Kai said as he was about to leave.

Beomgyu smiled a little, "see you later?" He said as he stretched out his hands for a hug.

"Really?" Huening Kai scrunched up his brows, not really liking the image of them hugging.

Beomgyu nodded and moved towards Huening Kai, wrapping his arms around him, urging the younger one to do the same.

Huening Kai finally gave in and wrapped his arms around Beomgyu briefly before pulling away, "there are some left over cake in the kitchen, goodnight," he  waved at him before disappearing from his view.

"You're late," Soobin said taking his eyes away from his note pad as Beomgyu walked in.

"And you study too much, take a break before your head explodes."

"I'm not studying, I'm drafting," Soobin smiled and patted the empty space beside him on the couch.

"I take it that the birthday went well," Beomgyu brushed his bangs to the side as he sat on the sofa.

"Uh, yeah," Soobin dropped his notepad beside him.

"What is it?" Beomgyu asked a bit nervous at Soobin's change of expression.

"Kai wants me to move in with him, he said it would be the perfect birthday gift to him," Soobin said slowly, "and I couldn't say no."

Beomgyu folded his lips and nodded his head for a moment, digesting his words, "when are you leaving?"

"I don't know yet, maybe tomorrow, the next," he looked round his single apartment, "I don't have much things, it wouldn't take long for me to pack."

Beomgyu was somewhat sad about the news, but he couldn't exactly tell Soobin to say no to Kai.
He and the younger had just made up and if he tells Soobin to say no, it will definitely start another drama.

He couldn't get himself another apartment, all the money he usually got from the place he works, he gave to his aunt and used the remaining part of it to pay for his tuition fee.

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