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Ever since we were little kids Eli has gotten bullied

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Ever since we were little kids Eli has gotten bullied. It really started in middle school when you were either popular,not popular but not a loser,and a loser. Then in eighth grade people got phones and now look his low self-esteem led to him being hawk.

Don't get me wrong I'm glad my cousin found who he is but honestly I miss Eli and Hawk's kinda a dick.

I thought about this and more during our lesson today, honestly it was a pretty boring lesson but it seemed to affect Miguel heavily.

After practice we decided to go out and just vibe. I was sitting at a table with Moon who was on her phone talking about Yasmine and her swimsuit,Aisha who was the least thrilled about Yasmine's swimsuit,and Tory who was talking to Miguel who had his head in another world. After a while I got bored and decided to go shopping.

It always calmed me to go shopping, me and my dad used to do it all the time. He hated clothes shopping which had an effect on my growing up where my mom has to bribe me with chicken tenders to get me to go clothes shopping with her.

I decided to head to my mom's favorite store to hopefully get her a present for her birthday coming up. While looking I saw some running, I didn't think much of it since you know..kids but then I looked out and saw Cobra Kai kids running. "What the fuck."I said before walking out and going to the food court.

I got there just in time to see the fight start, the three miyagi-do members vs Hawk and His Gang. I found Moon and stood next to her as we watched in pure horror of the fight. 

Afterwards I just drove home, I had to take my mind off of it. 

When I was younger I was a dancer, I did dance my whole life until my dad died and I didn't want to burden my mom with more financial troubles. She was a single mom to three now and expensive (but cheap) dance lessons was not the way to go. I guess that's what made me so good at balance in karate or my flexibility was because of those dance lessons.

"Hey" my mom said as I laid on the floor of mine and Bea's room. "Oh hey mom." I replied looking at her "Would you like to accompany your aging mother to watch a movie..I was thinking Fault in our stars."She said "Yeah that sounds great"I said getting up.

I loved the movie..I mean who doesn't, minus the real critics.

At karate the next day, we were all sitting around watching Hawk and Miguel fight. "Nice Work Diaz..bow go again"Sensei Lawrence said, as the two bowed the doors open with a furious Daniel LaRusso stomping in, in the moment everyone stood up.

"The Hell do you think you're doing?" "Like you don't know. "Take the shoes off the mat your disrespecting my dojo. "You're SERIOUSLY gonna talk about disrespecting dojo's after what you just did to mine." LaRusso replied

"What are you talking about? I didn't do anything to your dojo." "Just like you didn't slug one of my employees, huh?"LaRusso responded and Sensei Lawrence did the eye nod thing, confirming he obviously did that.

"You know part of me actually felt bad for you at one point, but you make it so easy to remember who the bad guy is in all of this. You call yourself a sensei? You don't even know what a sensei is. A sensei mentors. A sensei elevates. He doesn't teach destruction and disrespect!" LaRusso said in a long rant.

"I already said I don't know what you're talking about, LaRusso. And you don't know what you're talking about either." Sensei Lawrence replied stepping closer to the man.

"Yeah, well, I know you don't You don't earn the Medal of Honorby stealing it.  Let me tell you something about your sensei.  He might teach you how to fight,  but he doesn't know a thingabout what it takes to truly win at life. If you want to help yourselvesbefore it's too late,the doors of Miyagi-Do are wide open. " LaRusso said,finishing yet another rant.

"You think you can come in hereand poach my students?"  "And what are you gonna do about it? You know, I'm not gonna strike first."  "I'm gonna be a bigger man."  "Yeah. We'll see about that." LaRusso said, finally walking out.

Chris got his stuff "Where do you think your going?"Sensei Lawrence asked, infuriated. "What the hell Chris?"Shithead asked his friend "I never liked it here anyway"he replied.

With him went even more and more people, there was this urge in me to follow them to get out of here, but I shook it off. It still didn't leave but I tried not to think about it as I watched them all walk out of that door.


(I'm back.)

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