Let The Games Begin

Depuis le début

“Dad, stop blaming yourself,” said Stacey, walking towards him. “wait… ” If you are a demon, does tha-" her eyes widened.

Mat nodded in agreement and Sarah gasped.

" Are we evil? " Sarah asked innocently.
Matt laughed and nodded,"You are more your mother than you are anything like me, more human and gifted"

Sarah smiled and went to hug her father, followed by Stacey.

“Thanks girls,” he sighed happily, returning the hug.

After they had let go, he stood up.
“Well, I better go. Ann might be wondering where I am.” He put on a disgusted face. They all laughed, glad to get that over with.

Before he unlocked the door, he looked back at them and smiled affectionately.

“What?” Sarah asked, wiping her tears.
“You two remind me so much of your mother. She was really curious too, that woman; needed to find out everything about everything,” he chuckled.

“Yeah, well…” said Stacey, embarrassed.
“Anyway, just so you know, I was the one who led the others away from you the other night.”
“You?” they both said together, looking at him, astonished.

“Yes, I knew you two had listened to our conversation during our meeting and I know you have found the Book too. We were at the meeting today for this very reason.”

“You mean, everyone knows now?” asked Sarah, worried.

“Not everyone, just me,” assured Matt.

“I went to check up on you last night after Ann told me she spotted you snooping from the attic stairs. When I did, you two weren’t in your rooms, so I figured maybe you might have found the Book and was checking it out. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone,” he said after looking at their petrified faces.

“We won’t give you the Book,” said Stacey firmly.
“As if I want it, But please be careful. Ann would do anything to get it.”
“We will,” they promised.
He smiled, unlocked the door and left.

After Matt had disappeared down the stairs, they both slumped down, tiredly, on the bed.
“I never knew…” whispered Sarah, instantly clutching her pup.
“I know,” said Stacey, grabbing her sister’s hand, “If only there was some way to bring her back… maybe a spell or something.”

“The book,” said Sarah, getting up.
“You’re right. Maybe we can find something in there…like how mom di- spells seriously, like we are witches”

“I wasn’t talking about that,” she replied, bending down and removing the phone book from under her bed.
“Oh right, Jeremy,” said Stacey, slapping her forehead.

    They flipped through the pages and looked under the letter ‘W’.
“Willer… Willer… Here it is.” exclaimed Sarah, pointing at the names. “But there are two of them, one in Chicago and one in New York.”
“Well, I guess we have to call both of them,” said Stacey, picking up the phone.

She dialed the first number from Chicago, but it turned out to be the wrong one.
“So, I guess this is it,” said Stacey, dialing the second number.

“Hellu?” said a chirpy young female voice on the other end.
“Hello; may I speak to Jeremy Willer?” asked Stacey.

There was silence on the other end. Then she heard muffled murmurings.

Sarah was shaking her impatiently, wanting to know what was going on. Stacey placed her fingers to her lips to hush her.

A few seconds later she heard some crackling sound on the other end and then heard a male voice. “Hello?”
“Hi, is this Jeremy Willer?”

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