I mentally freak out, trying to come up with a plan. A backup plan, since any of this isn't meant to happen. This is harder without Harry around. So much harder. Think, Y/n, think. You're not going to die. You promised Harry, Moony, you promised everyone you'll be okay. You just need to think of a strategy.

"You got awfully close to Potter. As much as i want to believe you, the evidences are too hard to ignore. You and him are together," Voldemort states, and i can feel the panic growing inside me. Fuck. What do i do now? I take a deep breath, and it only took me a minute or two to come up with a lie.

"Don't you see? I was just pretending to be on his side so i could get information," I lift an eyebrow, trying to reason with the dark lord. I hope he buys my bullshit. His body relaxes from his stiff posture, and he mutters, "Ah.. Is that so?"

"Yes, my lord."

I mentally gag calling him that. For now, Y/n. You have to pretend for now, until Harry saves you. He'll come for you, he will. He'll get you out of here. Believe in him, Y/n. Believe in him like you always do.

"Give me a reason why i should believe you," He starts again, and i give him a smile, and say, "Because unlike them, you're wise. You know when a person is lying."

I really wish he doesn't.

"I do, but right now i am unsure. Give me a strong reason. Give me a reason why i should keep you around."

Think, Y/n, think. Just think of something, something that wouldn't hurt him, and something you can actually control.

"You need me," I blurt out, raising my chin up. And Voldemort lets out the creepiest and weirdest laugh i have ever heard in my whole entire life. He scoffs,
"Oh? And why would i need a 17 year old witch like you, i may ask?"

"As long as you keep me alive, he'll be distracted. I can fool him very easily, he won't be able to resist me. And eventually you can kill him," I nervously tell Voldemort, this is the only way. If i do this, he'll even lead me to Harry himself, and together, Harry and i are going to kill this noseless mother fucker.

He was only cute when his name was Tom Riddle.

"Very well.." The dark lord sits back, "That's a good suggestion. We need you to fool him." I throw on a sadistic smirk, a smirk so evil i didn't even know i could do. I guess it's in my genes. "Yes. You do."

"And did you get any information?" He continued asking, and i lightly shake my head as i come up with yet another lie, "They started getting suspicious, and now i can't remember a thing. They must've wiped my memory."

"Well, so it was just all a big misunderstanding," He nods slowly, and i feel the heavy weight on my shoulders being lifted up. I sigh in relief, knowing that he trusts me now. Well, maybe he doesn't completely trust me, but he knows he needs me alive. He knows he needs me alive to get to Harry, he knows he can use me to his advantage, and he thinks he can just kill me after he kills him. I don't mind. I can use him to get to Harry too, it's a win-win, for now. Before Harry and i put an end to this evil wizard once and for all. So Voldemort and i are just using each other at this point. For the same cause, which is getting to Harry.

"Yes, i'm a pretty good actress."

I really am. Oh Voldemort, you'd be surprised.

"Very well, your family has always been so loyal to me. I shouldn't have doubted you. Find him, bring him to me, and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so, and you will die," He warns me, and i smile politely at the dark lord. I find this funny actually, we're just each other's pawns. All this for Harry. I try to hold it though, i press my lips together to prevent a huge grin coming on my face. I clear my throat, and stand up from the chair. I nod and smile at Voldemort, "Excuse me, my lord."

ᴾᵃᵖᵉʳ & ᴵⁿᵏ ➵ H. Potter ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن