"I hope he isn't waiting for an apology from me, because I will not be giving one." Amelia folds her arms.

"Come on you two, let's get to class." Carolynn says pushing the two girls forward.

They all walk into drama class, seeing Owen sitting by himself. Jeremy and Charlie walk over to Owen, while Carolynn, Amelia, and Eliza sit towards the opposite end of the row.

"I know we are mad at Owen, but why are we sitting so far away?" Carolynn asks.

"To prove a point." Amelia chuckles.

"I don't know, I followed her over here." Eliza laughs.

"I just don't see why he won't apologize. He was out of line." Amelia says looking over to her brother, who caught him staring in their direction. "See, this is stupid." She says before getting up to walk over to Owen.

"What." Owen says looking up at Amelia.

"Why won't you apologize." She says folding her arms.

"I don't see why I would need to apologize." He says crossing his arms in retaliation.

"Okay, here is where I am going to draw the line." Charlie starts. "Owen, you were way out of line to Amelia. Stop treating her like she is a fragile china doll and let the girl experience things. You are up her ass about everything. She has never dated anyone, and God forbid if someone likes her, they won't be good enough." Charlie says getting up from his seat. "Second of all, you were a dick to Eliza when she was just trying to comfort both of you. After everything she has opened up to you about, you bash her for trying to be a good friend."

Amelia snickers under her breath.

"And Amelia. Owen is just trying to look out for you. Cut him some slack." He says turning to Amelia. "He's a boy, he's going to act stupid. Now, both of you make up or I will be royally pissed because my girlfriend is sitting over there, when she could be sitting next to me!" Charlie yells walking away and sitting next to Eliza.

"Feel better?" Eliza jokes.

"Much." He says laying his head on her shoulder.

Amelia and Owen look at each other. She sits down in Charlie's old seat, eyes locked on the teacher. The rest of third period neither of them spoke a word.

When they went into their last class, she immediately went to talk to Jackson.

"You know, what makes this all worse, is that she wants to tell you so bad how her date went last night." Eliza says to Owen as they watch Jackson and Amelia.

"I'm sorry, El. I really didn't mean what I said yesterday." Owen says looking down at her.

"I know, it still hurt my feelings." She laughs attempting to brush it off.

"I know you only had our best interest at heart, and I shouldn't have reacted the way that I did." He sighs. "You are my best girl friend, El. I don't want you to feel like you can't say what you think."

"I know, Owen." She says giving him a hug. "But who you really need to apologize to, is Lia." 

Owen pulled away from the girl and walks up to her sister and Jackson.

"Amelia, can I talk to you for a second?" He says quietly looking down.

"I'll be right back, Jackson." She says to the other boy, walking towards the tall blonde. "What." 

"I'm sorry, Amelia." He says quietly. "I don't know what got over me."

"You really hurt my feelings Owen." She says looking at him. "You said I make poor decisions, that I was an idiot." She feels tears crowding her eyes. "Owen, it has killed me not being able to talk to you about things like this."

"What do you mean?" He says looking up at her.

"Every guy that I have liked, you immediately shoot down. I am a senior in high school and has never dated anyone. It's like I'm not good enough for anyone." She mumbles. 

"That's not it at all, A. Nobody is good enough for you." He huffs. "Maybe a part of me is just upset that some other guy will take my position and we won't be close anymore." He looks down. "I mean with mom and dad gone all the time, you are all I have."

"Then why didn't you say that, Owen?" She goes to hug him. "Owen, nobody will ever replace you. You're my big brother. I love everything that you do for me. Just for once, let me make my own decisions." She says shedding a few tears, burying her head into his chest.

"I love you, Amelia. You know I only want what's best for you." He cries.

"I love you too, Owen." She says letting go of him wiping her tears away. "Ew, are you crying?" She laughs.

"Shut up." He says wiping his own tears. "Go. I think someone is waiting for you." He says looking over at Jackson.

She smiles and walks back over to the boy. Owen smiles and walks back over to Eliza, who was laying across Charlie. "You think they will be alright?" He asks, moving Eliza's legs to sit down, resting them on him.

"Only one way to find out is to let them figure it out." Charlie says playing with Eliza's hair.

"I guess you're right."

High School Sweethearts// Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now