A New Home

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It was cold, the snow silently falling from the grey sky as the ground slowly turned into a white blanket.

The sidewalk was equally covered, along with the roofs of the many building that ran along the road.

Randel shivered as he stared on from an alley way, his yellow and purple sweater dirty and torn in many places as the dark green shirt underneath did no better job at keeping him warm.

Randel had been through this many times, but it wasn't getting any easier with each year that passed by.

The large and damp box he was currently sitting in was the closest thing to a home he had.

The back of the box rested up against the side of a restaurant while the wall adjacent to it belong to a small store, a store that Randel had been in many times when he was able to find enough coins laying around in order to buy necessities.

Of course, with the snow, Randel couldn't look for money that random people could have dropped and left behind one day.

Then again, the most he could ever buy was a box of cereal and one bottle of water, so it wasn't much of a downside.

Besides, the leftovers that the employees had thrown out from the restaurant served as a consistent source of food, though even Randel was disgusted of taking a bite out of something that another person didn't have the nerve to finish, but what else could he do?

He mostly ever ate fries and other discarded appetizers, since they weren't at least bit into already, even though they were cold by the time they were thrown out.

A small stream nearby was where Randel got his water when it wasn't winter time. He didn't care what was in it, all he cared about was the fact that it kept him alive.

Randel sighed as he scooped up some snow in his hand and placed it in his mouth, not caring at how his hand stung with the coldness.

He hated this life, but there was nothing else he could do but bear it.

His body was thin, a large space between his clothes and skin.

He had only one tan show on, for it was all he could find. His black pants were stained near the bottom, a tear on the right pant leg, but Randel could do nothing about it.

Thankfully, a pair of socks kept his feet from freezing as he sat in the box, the one shoe providing the thickest layer of protection from the cold.

Randel would have bought some clothes from the store, but he had never found enough money to do so, and he didn't want to risk getting into trouble for shoplifting.

Though, Randel thought, a jail would probably be better than his current environment.

He out his hand in his pocket and pulled the few coins he had out of it.

Enough for a drink maybe, but if Randel wanted a cold drink in the snow, he would just continue eating it.

He sighed heavily, deciding that a night in a cell would be better than spending another day out here.

Slowly, he crawled out of the box and stood up, shivering as he walked onto the covered sidewalk and went to the store's entrance, basking in the warmer air as he entered.

The store seemed to be having a slow day, the employee behind the register not even looking up from his magazine when the bell sounded from the door.

Randel sighed, wondering if anyone would even notice if he stole anything.

Silently, he walked away, eyes wandering over the aisles that held food and other things Randel would do anything for at this point.

A feeling of nervousness formed in his stomach as he passed by a section that held many pairs of socks in clear packages.

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