The Ghostly Figure

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Just as expected, Ringo was able to see the figure once again.

In the moonlight that came in through the window, it was easy to spot the transparent man who was staring through the glass pane.

Ever since he had bought this mansion, Ringo had heard rumors of this very thing happening, and it wasn't until last week that he had seen it for himself.

Even now, the reason as to why this man was here was a complete mystery to him.

Ringo had gone through the attic in order to discover the history of some of the mansion's previous owners, but little was found.

Though, two things did stick out.

Silently, Ringo looked down at the picture he held in his hand.

In the photograph, he could recognize the man holding an arm around someone who Ringo had found out to be his husband, or former husband at least.

The two were smiling as they looked ahead, a grassy field visible in the background.

Ringo felt a sense of unease as he looked up from the picture, remembering what the letter that he held in his other hand had been about.

Something had happened between them, and the man who was standing before Ringo now had issued a divorce.

The letter itself said nothing of what had happened between them, but even Ringo could sense the anger and sadness expressed by the words that were written down decades ago.

The letter was written by the man who was in front of him now, but Ringo didn't know if he wanted to bring attention to it, let alone him.

Slowly, Ringo gathered the courage to say the man's name.


The transparent figure did not move immediately, instead shifting his eyes to the right to stare at Ringo.

Ringo stayed still as Randel's gaze landed on him.

Randel then turned to face him, and, even though Ringo could see right through him, he could make out a dull red stain that was on the blue tie that showed a sun.

The stain also ran onto the yellow and purple-striped sweater, and Ringo's eyes went wide as he saw it.

Ringo met Randel's eyes, only to be overcome by a feeling of sadness.

Randel stayed silent as he turned back to face the window, his figure seeming to fade away slowly.

Ringo watched as he disappeared, not knowing what to make of the action.

Fog then slowly built up on the window, even though there was no one there to breath on it.

Ringo saw something form within the fog, as if someone had taken their finger to it to draw something.

Slowly, Ringo approached the window, seeing that a message had been written on it.

He came here to stab what was left of my heart.

Ringo x Randel AU OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now