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~Authors Note~

This is when they first get their miraculous they won't get it the same way in this book as they do in the show and they just don't get the same one as the show. Thank you, now enjoy this chapter.


Marinette's Pov:


"ugh..." She opens her eyes and cuts off her alarm

 "it's the first day back at school." She gets up and gets ready and puts on her usual outfit, she then starts to do her hair and decides to keep it down for her first day. She looks at the time and realizes she still has an hour and a half until school so she goes downstairs.

"Good morning, Mom and Dad," she says with a smile

"Good morning honey, heading off to school early?" her mom askes 

"Yeah, I'm gonna go for a walk until school starts," she says goodbye to her parents and walks out of the bakery.

"I wonder what this year is going to be like," she says as she looks up into the sky and zones out. She bumps into someone and they both fall. She immediately gets up and looks to see who she bumped into, and when she looks up, she sees a short old man on the ground with his stuff scattered around.

"Omg, I'm so sorry sir!!" she says as she gives him a hand up, he takes it and they start to pick everything up.

"here you go sir, and sorry again for bumping into you. I wasn't watching where I was going," she says as she scratches the back of her neck and goes to pick up her phone that fell out of her hand and checks the time.

"It's okay, I am fine, and thank you for helping me pick up my stuff as an appreciation I would like to give you this ring. Don't open the box unless you are by yourself." He says as he gives her the box

"Thank you, but I must go before I'm late for my first day." She says as she runs off

~Adriens Pov~


"First day of school!" He says as he gets up and turns off his alarm and hurriedly gets his outfit out and goes to take a quick shower.

"I finally got my dad to allow me to go to a real school. I can't wait!" he says to himself before hopping in the shower

~Time skip~

He is finally out of the shower and ready for school when he hears a knock at the door "Good morning Adrien are you ready to head to school" Natalie his dads assistant says 

"Yeah I'm ready" he walks out and looks at her "okay well the car is waiting for you outside" she says

"Can I say bye to father?" he asks looking at her "No your father is busy in his office"

"Okay..." He says and then heads to the car with his head down.

~Time skip~

They make it to the school and Adrien gets out

"Bye," He tells his driver as he shuts the car door and walks up to the stairs leading to the school's front door. He then sees an old man struggling to get up, so he walks over and hands the man his cane and helps him up.

"Are you okay sir?" he asks the man as he gets up "Yes, I am thank you" He says, and Adrien looks at his phone and sees he has five minutes until the bell rings for school to start.

"I hope you get home safely, but I have to get to school so bye." He says but before he gets too far the man puts a box in his bag that has a pair of earrings in it.

~The End~

Well, guys that is the end of this chapter hope everyone enjoyed it and I will update tomorrow, and again thank you for reading my book!! 

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