Returning home

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It had been an hour since Ulaz shared the news of Elara's 'passing.' Zarkon was still in the medbay, not knowing how else to cope with her 'death.' He weeped and weeped and weeped. Elara's eyes fluttered open and she found herself in the medbay with an emotionally unstable Zarkon. Zarkon heard breathing and looked up to see her golden eyes wide open and looking straight at him. He didn't know what to say, and gently yanked her into a tight hug and shedded tears.

"I missed you too my giant space turtle." She chuckled.

"Don't ever leave me like that again." He sniffled.

"Never again I promise." She said.

"Sendak nearly killed me." He said.

"I'm not surprised." She sighed.

"Neither am I but if he did, I wouldn't be angry." Zarkon admitted.

"I can see why." She chuckled a little.

All of a sudden Sendak bursted through the doors to rage.

"Zarkon I'm going to kill you for killing my sis- DEAR GODS MY SISTER'S A ZOMBIE!" Sendak screamed in terror.

"Wow..." Elara sighed.

"You're alive? But how?" Sendak said, genuinely amazed.

"Takes a lot more than a little blood loss to take me out." Elara said, smiling at her brother.

"That's my sister." Sendak said, smiling as he hugged his sister.

After a while everyone know she was alive and well. Ulaz said all she needed was rest and fluids. After everyone had their emotional meltdown moment Elara finally got to meet her new baby girl, she had Zarkon's pattern but as fur, and had Elara's hair.

"She's so tiny... Ulaz how long does she need to stay in there?" Elara asked, looking at her daughter from outside the incubator.

"She can come out now, her organs are all developed, her bones are a little less strong but they'll strengthen up over time.

"Alright, she should be fine then." Elara said.

Ulaz took the newborn out of the incubator and handed her to Elara.

"What do we name her?" Elara asked.

"How about Delilah?" Zarkon suggested.

"Where did you come up with that?" Elara asked.

"It's a human name, and I like it." Zarkon said. Elara gave it some thought and then sighed happily.

"Princess Delilah it is then."

The lil bean-

The lil bean-

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I cried while writing those sad ass chapters🥺

Sendak's Sister (once again, shits gonna be weird)Where stories live. Discover now