Emotional wounds never heal

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Zarkon was baffled as he saw Elara walk into their chambers with a tired, depressed face. Usually, she'd come in and give him a tired smile but he could clearly see that she wasn't ok.  She had been acting off today, she was very sad and low energy.

"What's wrong Elara? You don't look yourself today." Zarkon asked.

"I'm fine, don't worry about it." Elara said.

"You're clearly not ok, where's the smile I always get when you come to bed?" Zarkon said.

"I just got into a heated argument with Razor alright? I'm fine." Elara said sharply.

"What did he say to you?" He asked.

"He brought things from the past...things I don't think I'm ready to share." Elara said.

"Elara, you're my wife, tell me what he did and I'll handle it..." Zarkon said.

Elara gave it some thought and knew she had to tell him. She tried talking but her eyes welled up with tears.

"My gods... what the hell did he say to you?" Zarkon gasped, as he hugged her.

"There's something I never told you... you see..."

A long long time ago-

"Razor please! I can't keep doing everything around here, not in this condition!" Elara said, gesturing to her mildly rounded belly.

"I am your mate Elara! You do as I tell you to do and you don't get to question it!" Razor hissed, shoving into a wall.

"What are you doing?" Elara asked nervously.

"I won't do anything, but you better do as I say or your life will be a living hell!" Razor threatened.

"I can't Razor!" Elara said, then yelped in agony as Razor landed an elbow to her baby bump.

"When I get home, this place better be spotless!" Razor said as he left her in pain.

Hours later-

Elara has noticed that she bleeding out of her lady parts. She felt agonizing pain and she contacted Galran paramedics to help her. She was the informed that she miscarried her unborn daughter.

Present time-

"Today would have been her birthday..." Elara sniffled.

"I had no idea... I'm so sorry..." Zarkon said.

"It's ok... I thought I'd never have children after that, I was so depressed, I didn't know if I'd last any longer, I was considering ending my own misery while I was living with Sendak, but then I met you, I started feeling like myself again, but when I found out I was pregnant with Bellatrix I panicked, I didn't know if I'd be able to carry her to full term, but I did. Little did you know, you, Lotor, and Bellatrix kept me around, you three gave a reason to stick around, and I regret nothing." Elara said.

"Do you need a cuddle?" Zarkon asked.

"I do..." Elara said.

"Come here..." Zarkon said. He knew she was hurting inside and let her hug him to cry, but then he said something unbelievable.

"No more babies." Zarkon said.

"Wow... you care." Elara sniffled.

"When it's you I'll do anything to make you feel better... even if it hurts me, and my need to breed..." Zarkon said, his heart ached.

'Damn it Zarkon! You let her win again!' He cursed at himself.

"Ten kids was a goal for me but I can't hurt you..." Zarkon said.

"I can't pop out four more babies..." Elara said.

"I know, I know." Zarkon sighed.

"So just one?" Zarkon asked.

"No. Maybe, I can never win..." Elara sighed.

"Start praying now... heat season is in a month." Zarkon snickered.

"Please don't." Elara begged.

"Fine... I love you too much to hurt you... but, my minds telling no, but my body... my body's telling me yes..." Zarkon mumbled.

"Smooth Zarkon... real smooth..."

Sendak's Sister (once again, shits gonna be weird)Where stories live. Discover now