My Valentine (Valentines Day)

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February 14, 2015 - 6:00 AM

I woke up so early because my iPad beeped because someone dm-ed me. Like 6 in the morning =_____________=

Direct Message:

@Lamps: Hi there Kat! What are your plans for today?

me: ummm im going out with my friends later. we'll just hang out a little

@Lamps: ooh. thank you so much! 

me: okay :)

Uhmmmmmmm..... Why are they asking for that? pfffffft Oh well, I'll watch youtube for a while. Like seriously, for a while. Then I will prepare for my date with friends.

1:30 PM

I just arrived here in our school gate and as expected they are all already here. 

"Where are we going?"   I asked.

"Actually, we don't know either."   My classmate said. Then my other classmate hit her slightly.

"Oh yas. I know where we are going."

"What?!"  I gave them my tell-me-where-the-fuck-we-are-going stare.

"Calm down Kat. ehehehehehe"   Then a van arrived. "Oh I think that's where we are gonna ride." Oh thank goodness!! -________-

As soon as we got inside the car, we all grabbed our phones and did our own businesses. 






We've been travelling for almost an hour now and we're still travelling and we're all clueless about our destination. I think we're kidnapped but my friends are all chill and the driver doesn't look like a kidnapper also.

So I just continued reading the Ryan Higa x Marley fanfic that I am reading. *sigh* How I wish I was Marley. :3

The  car started to slow down and my friends kept their phones already, I looked outside the window and saw that we are already in the airport. I DON'T HAVE MONEY TO PAY FOR A FARE NOR I HAVE MY PASSPORT WITH ME.

Then I saw a familiar dog approaching our car... O________O


The driver opened our car and the two familiar dogs went near the car's door.


"M-marley and T-t-t-teddy?!!" 

"Hey guys!!!" THAT GUY.


"RYAN HIGA?!!!!!!!!!!!" My friends all said in unison.



"Umm... are you okay?"

"Y-y-y-yes."  Is this really Ryan Higa that I am talking to right now? ._____.

"H-how did you get here?"  My friend asked Ryan. LIKE SAME HERE. I WANTED TO ASK HIM THAT.

"Oh you guys didn't know?!"  Ryan asked us.

"Ummm yes!?" My friend answered Ryan.

"Well uhh... Your friend here *points to me* won on a raffle-like contest on Twitter and she got the chance to have a date with me."

"A DATE WITH YOU?!!!"  We all asked.

"Yes! I also brought merch for all of you!"

"WHAT?!!!"  We're like a choir here that responds to Ryan.

"Yes! And also, I thought that it would be more fun if Katrina and company will be with Ryan Higa's company."


"HAHAHAHAHA You guys are so cute! And yes, with RHPC."


February 15, 2015 - 7:00 PM (Airport)

"I had the best day ever! Thank you so much Ryan! I'm just said that you have to leave already." 

"Aw! You could always tweet me! And I promise, I will never forget this day with you... with your friends!"

*cries* "T-thank you Ryan! You're really the best."  

"Aw please don't cry Kat."  Ryan hugged me so tight as my friends and I brought Ryan and the rest of RHPC back to the airport.

"Y-you're love makes me cry. Thank you so much for everything!"  

"Awww you! I will not be beside you if you guys didn't accept me in your lives."

"Can we just all have a group hug?"  Sean proposed.

"Hahahahahahaha! Yeah enough for the drama."  My friend exclaimed.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!"  We all laughed happily. 

After that moment, Ryan and the rest of RHPC bid their goodbyes and I realized that I shouldn't be sad that they already left, I should be happy that I had this once in a lifetime opportunity that not every fangirl/fanboy could ever experience! 


Ever since I met Ryan and the RHPC, they never failed to reply to my tweets and I also sent them stuffs on their P.O Box.

Meeting them is one of the greatest experience I've ever had, and I'll never regret that one retweet which helped me in meeting and having my way to Ryan Higa. <3


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