Rivulet Through Paradise

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One departs the dusty road for cool shade

A narrow path snakes through endless green glade

Leading to a completely different world

A languid stroll where worry is stayed

Tiny rivulet dances beside the trail

Water trickles animating twigs to sail

this bubbling water course pours below

into lake for gravity does not fail

Lacy ferns ripple in the gentle breeze

The whole emerald glen beckons us ease

Relax breathe deep listen to tumbling water

Fill your heart and mind with heavenly peace

Red raspberries weigh down prickle bushes

Tantalizing aroma forward pushes

Quickly we cram juicy pulp until full

Then notice ruby smears on hands mushes

The trail goes on but the trickle stops dead

A beaver meadow our guiding creek's head

Further steps only lead to a hot place

We travel back the way we came instead

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