"Holy shit, Atlantis. Are you okay? Where are you?" Michael rushed out, completely dismissing my greeting.

"Oh, um. That's a weird story. I'm in a hotel right now. I'll explain later. Why?" I frowned, unsure as to why he'd be so worried.

"I saw your house." He inhaled sharply. "I was really worried."

I was touched by his concern, but it had me anxious. He had seen my house. How bad was it really? Was Dad lying?

"How bad is it?" I whispered, sitting down on the bed to steady myself.

"All the windows are smashed in. I haven't seen the inside but I assume it's fucking trashed. Shit, Atlantis. I didn't think someone would stoop this low." He sounded pissed.

"It's a surprise to me too." I admitted. I had been harassed since this "killer lips" ordeal had started but I had never openly feared for my family or life like this before.

"I'm free today if you want any help cleaning up." Michael offered and I tried not to smile at how easy things were with him.

"You're willing to spend your weekend helping me clean up?" I laughed, a bit taken back. "No offence but what's in it for you?"

"You." Michael replied without hesitation. "I get to spend time with you. Isn't that enough?"

"Yeah," I said softly. "That is more than enough."

"Cool, I'll see you soon?" Michael asked. His voice had my body reacting in the best way possible.

"In an hour." I told him with a small smile. "I'll see you in an hour."

I hung up the phone and fell flat onto the bed. I squealed into the pillow, unable to contain this newfound excitement. My chest compressed and I tried to wipe the smile off my cheeks before they began to hurt.

"Not your lover, huh?" Sydney slide out of the bathroom with a sly smile.

"Shut up." I grinned. "He's coming over to help me clean in an hour."

"I'd totally offer to help but I think you two might want some alone time." Sydney winked before checking her nails. "Plus I fucking hate cleaning but that's beside the point."

I knew if I asked Sydney would dock on a pair of gloves and help me scrub the house from top to bottom then she would do it, no questions asked. She was genuinely the best friend I could've ever asked for. However, I hated making her do things she didn't particularly like and she was right—I wanted some alone time with Michael.

"I'll let you off the hook. Just this once." I gasped dramatically, before grabbing the keys on my bedside table.

Mum had driven my car here last night and I didn't want to interrupt my parents right now. They were probably peacefully sleeping in the other room and that's the way I wanted to keep it.

This whole ordeal had made me feel sick but worse than that, I felt guilty. My parents had no idea about any of this and now they had to deal with the fact their child got bullied at school for ridiculous reasons. I didn't want to have any soppy talks, so for now I was actively avoiding them.

"C'mon, I'll drive you home then go clean up my place." I pulled on my shoes from last night and ushered Sydney out of the hotel room.


I gripped the steering wheel as I tried to think of a way to bring up Luke. Sydney hadn't outwardly admitted anything but a possible make-out session with him. I decided the blunt route would be the one I took today.

"So, is Luke a good kisser?" I asked.

I really wish I hadn't taken this route because seconds later the low-fat mocha latte Sydney had begged me to order at Starbucks was being spat out on my dashboard.

"That is disgusting." I groaned, looking at the brown liquid drip onto the carpet. "Fuck you."

"No, fuck you." Sydney wiped her mouth. "You can not just ask me a question like that."

"As your best friend I'm pretty sure that guarantee's me immunity to those questions." I gave her a long side-glance. "Why are you so weird about this? You normally tell me everything. I mean, you told me when Greg tried to suck your toes."

"That was done in secrecy and on the condition that you'd never repeat it." Sydney gasped dramatically, reaching over and punching me in the shirt. I laughed in pain and stuck my tongue out.

"You loose the position of best friend now." Sydney smirked and I noticed she was avoiding my question.

"Alright, Luke can have it. He can be your best friend with benefits." I grinned at my witty reply but Sydney was not impressed.

"I'm not going to be peer-pressured into answering." Sydney crossed her arms over her chest, the low-fat mocha latte all but forgotten although I could still see it dripping down my precious car.

"You could always walk home."

She hissed. "You wouldn't."

Oh, but she knew I would. I tapped the steering wheel and shot her a devious smile before putting on my left blinker, an indication that I was about to pull over.

"Oh my god, fine! I made out with Luke when I was drunk at a party and it turns out he's an amazing fuck!" Sydney yelled, her eyes going wide with the confession.

"Are you serious?" I burst out laughing, but didn't stop the car as I tried to take into account that both my best friends fucked each other. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I don't even know what I'm going to do about it." Sydney whimpered. "I freaked out when I woke up and just left him. I think he's pissed off because he refused to look at me, let alone talk to me now." She sunk down into her chair.

"What are you going to do about it?" I asked curiously. "I mean... do you like him or were you just drunk?"

"I... I don't know." Sydney frowned. "I hate myself for it. If I had known I would've been this confused about it all I wouldn't have had sex with him. I can't loose him." She croaked.

"You won't." I reached over and placed my hand on her arm in a comforting motion. "I'll be here for you both if you—"

"ATLANTIS!" Sydney screamed, her eyes widening in horror as she frantically pointed at something in front of us.

I had about two seconds to process what was happening before a car slammed into the side of my car. My precious vehicle didn't stand a chance. It flipped at least three times before screeching to a stop. It was only moments but it was enough to make my world change forever.

The last thing I saw before blacking out was Sydney lying on the side of the road. Not her, I thought idly. Not my best friend. 


hahahahahhaha i saw 1d on saturday night to start off the otra tour anD IT WAS FUCKING AAAMMAAAAAAZING HOLLA AT ME I LOVED THEM BUT THEY DIDNT SING 18 AND I WAS V. TORN :'( also there was like no narry moments h ah a ha life ruined 

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