《 IV 》Your Powers Lashed Out

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Loki's POV:
"Appointment for Bruce Maxine?"

Wanda nodded at the lady and began following her into a room.
"Wait," I started and she turned around, "Do we bring them?" I asked, pointing behind me to the group of children. She nodded hesitantly and I pulled Peter into my arms and the others followed closely behind me.

It was a white room which had a bed with blue covers placed in the middle and inside stood a young lady with a white jacket. "Hello!" She said sweetly. I smiled at her and took a seat next to Wanda.

"Are these your children?" She asked while looking at Wanda but I responded.
"No we're just the babysitters," I stayed quickly, "Don't worry darling, I'm not married." I winked at her. What, the God Of Mischief can't flirt? I usually did with women, and this lady was pretty. However, I don't think I actually liked her. The young doctor blushed Wanda rolled her eyes playfully at my statement before pulling Bruce into her lap. "He was really pale and threw up and passed out earlier," she started, "He didn't eat much either." She said sadly.

We've been taking care of them for like two days and he's already sick. But then again, two reckless, sarcastic magic users wouldn't be the best parents. Our child would be extremely powerful though, and- I am not thinking about what Wanda and I's child would be like. I told myself. I snapped out of my daze and looked up to see the doctor was running tests on Bruce who was sat on the table.

"Well, It's nothing too bad he should be fine, just give him this medicine and let him rest," she smiled as she handed Wanda and small bottle of something. "Thank you," Wanda said as she picked up a yawning Bruce in her arms. She glanced at me and tilted her head towards the door as she walked out with the children, except for Peter who was asleep in my arms, following behind. The doctor woman looked at me and winked as she relaxed backwards in her chair. I just smirked uncomfortably before whispering a small thanks and walking out towards the 'car'.

I opened the door and found Wanda humming while staring out of the window. She turned her attention to me and helped open the door which I still couldn't figure out. Once everyone was settled, we started moving. It still felt slightly uncomfortable.

"Did you doctor Reece's number then?" She asked with a smirk. (A/N: Totally didn't steal that name from Chicago Med ;) )

"Who's that?"
"The doctor you were flirting with," she laughed. I was probably still zoned out when she told us her name then.
"No, I-I don't like her like that," I started, "We're you jealous?" I asked mischievously after a short silence. She shook her head rapidly and scoffed, "You? Ha, you wish," she laughed. I rolled my eyes. I don't like her like that, in fact, I don't like her at all. She was the reason why I'm here babysitting instead of taking over with my staff. But a part of me knew I didn't hate her or blame her for it. Dare I say, it was kinda nice taking care of them and not worrying about being in a cell or hiding. Before I knew it, we stopped moving and Wanda stepped out and started unbuckling the avengers. Are they even avengers still? What are we supposed to tell the public? I'm pretty sure they would realise The Tony Stark being gone for so long.

"Loki?" Her sweet voice called out, "You coming or not?"

"Yeah, just thinking," I told her as I stepped out and walked towards the door. I noticed Wanda's hands were full so I opened the door for her and winked. "Here ya go m'lady" I joked. She rolled her eyes and laughed before walking in and laying a sleeping Bruce on the sofa.

"You know, we should probably arrange a room for them so they don't keep sleeping on the sofa," she said. I nodded. "We'll go shopping tomorrow, we can decorate your room too." She informed me as she walked up to the kitchen.

Wanda's POV:

I decided to start cooking lunch since we had been out for a while and the children were probably hungry. I decided to make paprikash, it's a Sokovian recipe that my mother taught me when I was a child. I still really miss her. I sighed as I thought of all the memories I had with her.

My mother was dancing in the middle of the kitchen with a plate in hand as my father played his guitar and sang in Sokovian.

"Еда готова, мои дорогие (Food is ready, my darlings)," she called out to Pietro and I. We raced in and I won. I was faster than him when we were children, well, before he got superspeed.

"I won!" I smirked.
"I'll be faster than you one day, sestra," he laughed as he lightly pushed my arm. My mother laughed and placed plates in front of all our chairs. Our father came and sat beside me. We were all talking until we heard a loud noise outside. Then, another one hit directly on our house and I felt a hand wrap tightly around my waist and tug me back under the bed. Pietro and I were squashed underneath it together and watched as our parents fell in the hole. I sobbed heavily in his chest. They were dead, I knew it, we both did.

It felt like forever under there, constantly reading the words 'Stark Industries' and squeezing harder on my brother. We were hugging and he whispered reassuring words in my ear whenever my sobs got louder.
"I'll always be here with you," he said.
"I'll always be here with you.."
"I'll always be here with you"

I was shaken out of my trance by a tall man in green with long black hair.
"Miss Maximoff?"
"WANDA," he yelled which pulled me out. I was breathing heavily. He was standing in front of me and looked incredibly confused. I scanned the room and saw the paprikash on the ground and other miscellaneous items scattered around. I picked up my breathing and asked what happened.

He sighed and sat besides me. "It's not your fault," he started, "-but you zoned out and then your powers lashed out and you started crying."

My powers lashed out? I thought. Thats probably why the food for the childr- THE CHILDREN?

I looked at the couch frantically and found no one there. I then averted my gaze back to him with a confused look on my face. He sighed.

"Don't worry, I moved them," he said as he used his powers to open a door where there were all the avengers sitting on the floor looking extremly confused and concerned. I sighed in relief and stood up before whispering an apology. I continued cooking and Loki put all the children back where they were on the sofa.

"Foods done," I called out softly.

After we had eaten, I decided we should find toys for them to play with since they couldn't watch TV forever.

"How is Stark this rich but owns no toys?" He questioned. "I'm sure he didn't expect to turn into a child." I replied.

"Ookay, nevermind, forget the toys, maybe we can play something else with them?" He said. "Alright, what do you suggest?" I asked.

"Gather the children, I have an idea."

Sorry this chapter took so long, schools shitty. I'll try to upload more often. I also have a surprise book I'm working on. I'm going to finish act one on it before publishing it though! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll see you in the next one!
{1315 words}
-S xx

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