8 - grenade

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"Another round Arthur!" John announced.

"On it Johnny Boy!" Arthur replied joyfully. 

"John I have a question for you." Lydia stated as she wobbled on the bar stool. Tommy stood warily behind to ensure she didn't fall back. 

"And what is that Lyds?" He replied taking another shot. 

"Would you rather eat a baby goat or a matter baby?" Lydia slurred as she giggled to herself. Tommy arched his eyebrow quizzically, confused as to where she could be going with this.

"A matter baby? What's a matter baby?"John questioned. 

"Nothing sugar, what's the matter with you?" Lydia joked, and Arthur and Tommy immediately shook their heads disapprovingly as they chuckled. John was completely befuddled and didn't understand Lydia's poor attempt at a joke. 

"Well at least you're pretty John." Lydia added, noticing John confusement. Before anyone could stop her, she speedily grabbed the drink put in front of John and shot it herself. Tommy sighed and rolled his eyes at her mischievousness. 

"A-ha beat ya to it there Tommy." Lydia laughed. Tommy was just pleased to see her smile again. 

As the night continued Lydia and John became more and more intoxicated much to Tommy's dismay. The Garrison soon emptied just leaving the three brothers and Lydia; who could now barely keep her eyes open. 

John playfully picked up Lydia and attempted to walk out of the pub as he stumbled, but was swiftly stopped by Tommy. 

"Bloody 'ell Johnny Boy, be careful you'll drop the poor girl." Tommy said as John placed Lydia back on the floor, her legs crumbled beneath her and she was quickly held up by Tommy's strong arms around her waist. 

"Right Arthur, help me get these two home. They can barely stand up straight." Tommy called for his older brother.

"This is your fault, you do realise that right? You were the one who got 'em this drunk in the first place." Tommy said to Arthur as they walked down Watery Lane with one of Lydia's arms draped over each of their shoulders, to prevent her from falling in her heels. John stumbled ahead as he hummed war songs to himself. 

As they reached John's house Lydia kissed him goodbye on the cheek as per usual. Arthur, Tommy and Lydia watched as he stumbled through the door crashing into things as he walked through the hallway. 

"Oh he'll be fine." Arthur said as they carry on walking, soon reaching his own residence. 

"Come 'ere old man." Lydia said as she kissed the eldest brother's cheek before he entered his house. Tommy continued to guide Lydia down the road. 

"So both my brothers get a kiss but not me eh?" Tommy joked.

"But Tommy it wouldn't just be a kiss though, we both know that." Lydia sighed remembering their short lived relationship. Lydia wouldn't usually have had the confidence to say something like that, but the alcohol gave her some nerve. He didn't reply, he knew she wasn't wrong. 

"Anyway Tommy, I'd break your heart." Lydia said flirtatiously.  

"Already broken, maybe I'd break yours." He stated. 

"Nobody breaks my heart Thomas." Lydia added. 

"Tommy, you do realise I live in the opposite direction right?" She slurred barely maintaining her balance.

"Yes well, you shouldn't be alone if you're this drunk. We wouldn't want you choking on your own vomit now would we? Besides your house isn't exactly safe anymore, no thanks to your brother. The coppers will always be coming back to search for him. Perhaps it's easier if you stay somewhere else for the meantime." Tommy explained to Lydia as they reached his front door. 

"Thomas, have I ever told you how beautiful you're eyes are?" Lydia said as her legs buckled beneath her. Tommy was quick to grab her before she fell to the floor. He brought one arm under her legs and one around her waist, as he carried Lydia into the house, bridal style. Tommy chuckled slightly at her comment.

"Have I ever told you how I hate being called Thomas?" Tommy replied carrying Lydia into his front room to place her on the sofa. 

"Yes, many times. Most of the time I just say it to piss you off... Thomas." Lydia said as she was laid down on the sofa. 

The truth was Tommy only hated being called 'Thomas' by Lydia, this was because she only said it when she was annoyed at him, and he hated it when Lydia was annoyed at him... usually, she had good reason to be. 

Lydia quickly fell asleep on the sofa before Tommy had the chance to take her to the spare room upstairs. He decided to stay downstairs with her and sat in the chair diagonally opposite. Tommy told himself he was only staying downstairs with her as she was so drunk, but deep down he just didn't want to leave her alone. 

As Lydia fell deeper into her sleep, Tommy remained his insomniac self. Tommy admired the girl in front of him as her chest rose up and down subtly and her eyes fluttered gently as she dreamt. He slowly stood up and carefully walked over to her, cautious not to wake her. Tommy gently placed a blanket across her body. 

It frustrated him, the effect Lydia could have on his mind and his body.

It's always been you- Tommy ShelbyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang