Part 1 - When everything changes

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"Shit.. I made a mess." Blood, everywhere on your bathroom sink. "Y/n?! Get down for fuck sake! What are you even doing there?" Tears falling down your face as you cover up your upper arms. "Respond to me right now!" Your father yells at you, he has no idea what you go through.
You grab a towel and start to clean the sink. You let water slowly clean the mess as you hear heavy footsteps coming upstairs. "Open the door." Is all he said. You stand there, with the water still flowing, your eyes red and puffy, and a bloody towel. All you can do is stand there in shock, staring at the door waiting until he breaks it open himself. "I'm going to break this fucking thing open!" He yells as he walks back a bit. You stand back knowing what'll happen. Terrified of your own father. *CRASH* The door is in pieces and a big boot is now a feet away from your face. He looks furious. His eyes meet yours and then he stares at the bloody towel and sink. "What the hell? Are you seeking for attention you little bitch? Hm? Tell me?!!" He yells again, tears falling down on the floor again, you start to sob. You don't want attention, you want a normal life that's all. *SLAP* A big, cold hand meets your cheek. "W-why?" Your voice cracks, your father clearly getting ready for the next hit. "You little bi-"

"W-where am I? Why is everything black?" "So.. You've hurt yourself again? But why? Do you think that it's worth it? Escape this mess, leave this place!" You hear a voice, a soft female voice. "Who are you and where am I?" She ignores your questions; "Leave this place and start over. When everything changes, you'll stop being in pain." You start to think, what is she saying? Is she saying I should walk away? I mean, I'd love to leave this hell hole but where could I POSSIBLY go to? "Do you remember Lev? Lev Haiba? Your childhood friend?" You remember him. You know him very well and still talk to him this day, but what does he have to do with this? "What do you mean? Why is Lev being brought into this?" "He'd always help you. Go ask him to stay there for a while." Those were the last words she spoke. That's the last bit of peace until you heard two people arguing. Your parents, they were mad about your situation. "I need to leave"

THAT'S PART 1 Y'ALL- I'm so excited for the next part it's gonna be spicy! (Not as in nsfw but as in exciting)

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