4: History

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**Flashback: Satoru's POV**

"Oi! Nanami! You order without me?!"

"Yes. You're late."

I rolled my eyes and walked to the register to put in my order.

"Whatcha reading?" I asked as I sat down.

"The paper."

"Mm, so what do you want to do today?"

"You dragged me out here Gojo. You tell me what we're doing today."

"Well, there's a couple stores I want to check out. Gotta replace these glasses," I pushed the dark lenses further up my nose.

The bell on the front door rang as someone walked in. I looked over and felt my heart skip a beat.

"Whoa..." I muttered, unable to draw my eyes away from the girl who was making her way to the register.

Her hair was long, a grayish color, and she had golden eyes that were covered by red colored glasses.

She wore black pants and a black long sleeve that showed off her stomach. A small tattoo peeked through on her side.

She was tall, which I loved, because it meant there was more of her to look at. And I didn't have to reach down as far for a kiss.

Holy fuck. I never want to look away...

"It's rude to stare," Nanami called without even looking up.

"I've gotta talk to her," I started to stand up before Nanami quickly grabbed my arm.

"Look... I think she might be a sorcerer."

"What?" I said in disbelief as I watched her movements closer.

I noticed how she walked towards the person who had entered the shop behind her.

"Oh, uh, sorry. It looks like you've got a bug near you," She said with a smile as she swiped her hand around their shoulder.

"Thank you, young one," the old man said before walking off.

"Do you think she saw it?" I asked Nanami keeping my eyes glued to her.

"I think so. Her eyes widened when he walked in and she went up to him almost immediately."

She had gotten rid of a small Grade 4 cursed spirit who attached itself to the old guy.

"I've never seen her before," I huffed quietly. "You think she's a professional?"

He smirked a little, "She's probably young enough to be at Tech."

"You think?"

He nodded silently, returning to his paper.

That means I could be like 5 years older than her, at least...

I sighed as I watched her grab her drink order.

It's now or never.

"I'll be right back," I said to Nanami before taking off out of the shop to follow her.

"Hey! Uh, excuse me!" I called out.

She stopped and turned while taking a drink, checking to see who was calling after her.

"Hmm?" she asked as she cocked her head to the side.

I froze as soon as I was face to face with her. I had honestly never seen anyone so beautiful.

And it wasn't just her looks... There was something special about her. Her aura, it was mesmerizing.

"Oh, uh, I'm Gojo," I bowed my head slightly.

She looked at me curiously, "Hi Gojo... I usually just have people call me Y/n."


She nodded reassuringly.

"Well, um, do you live around here?"

She laughed, "I don't usually tell strange men where I live."

"Oh, right, of course," I rubbed my neck sheepishly. "I just saw you in the cafe and had to come introduce myself."

She smiled gently at me, "I'm glad you did."

"Hello," Nanami bowed his head as he approached us.

"Y/n, this is my friend Nanami. He was in the cafe with me. Nanami, this is Y/n."

"Nice to meet you, Y/n."

She smiled and bowed her head just slightly.

"Do you go to school nearby?" he asked. He was obviously very interested in seeing if she was a sorcerer.

"Oh, no. I graduated early, so I actually don't attend school right now."

"Is that right? How old are you?"

"I don't know if I want to tell you that, Nanami," she giggled playfully.

"O-oh, my apologies for being too forward, ma'am," Nanami's politeness had gotten the better of him as he became extremely flustered.

She laughed loudly this time, "No, I'm just kidding! I actually just turned 18."

My eyes widened at her response. Geez, she really is young... She's technically of age, though.

"Well, we saw you help that old man with the... um, bug on his shoulder. That was quite kind of you."

She nodded as if she finally understood why we were there, "Oh, ok. So you guys can see them too?"

Nanami stared at me to respond, but I could barely breathe let alone speak.

I didn't know what was wrong with me. I met women all the time, I actually couldn't keep them away from me.

I was constantly dating around and hooking up, just having fun, and I had never felt nervous around a woman. No matter how beautiful they were.

But right now... Well, I had never felt this way before.

"Yes, we can see them," Nanami quickly added after realizing I wasn't going to do much speaking.

She hesitated slightly, "Are you both sorcerers then?"

"Mm. I'm a professional, and Gojo here is a teacher at Tokyo Jujutsu High."

She titled her head, "A high school for sorcerers? How fascinating... I didn't know there was such a thing."

We both looked at her confused.

"If you don't even know about Jujutsu High, then how do you know about curses and sorcerers?"

"My grandfather's brother was a scholar. He just studied these things, never practiced it," she shrugged not giving us very much information at all.

"But you got rid of that one?" I finally spoke up.

She furrowed her brows a bit, "Well, that one wasn't much to deal with. You two should know that..."

"Yes, we do," Nanami interjected. "I think what Gojo meant was, how did you get rid of that one without any training?"

"Well, I have training. Not much, but some."

Nanami was obviously getting annoyed with how vague she was being about her ability.

"Miss Y/n, are you busy for the day?" he asked.

She shrugged, "Not really. Why?"

"Can we take you back to Jujutsu High?"

I snapped my head towards him, confused as to why he would want to do that. Sure she could see and get rid of a low grade curse, but was that really enough to bring her into the world of sorcery?

She looked back over to me with a small smile, and I felt a slight hint of red hit my cheeks.

"Will you be going, too?" she asked me.

All I could do was nod silently as I tried to swallow the lump that was now stuck in my throat.

She bit her lip softly, "Ok, then. Why not?"

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