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It was Kita.
Probaply because he wanted to talk to me.


"Hey. "

"Can we talk?"
He asked.


We walked away and talked...

"I told him...."

"About what?"

"That... He should take you out..."


"Yeah. But i did not knew that you had feelings for him... of course i said ' take her on a date, i know you like her'  but i did not expect that he would do that"

"Huh? So, he does like me?"

"Probaply... but it is still my fault..."

"It is not. Don't worry. Im okay."

"You are not. I see that. Im sorry."

"It's okay.. i guess.."

"You avoided him right?"

I noded.

" i will fix that... i promise"

Lunchtime ended. I didn't managed to go to toilet Tho.
It was the only subject where i wasnt in the same class like the twins.

I raised my hand.

The teacher asked.

"Can i go to the toilet please?"
I asked.

"You raise your hand once a year and ask that.... ugh... sure"
He said.

I stood up  and walked outside the classroom.
On my way to the toilet, i heared a simalar voice talking.

The voice came from the cornor, i walked closer.
It was, Kita... He talked to Osamu...

"You gotta fix that. You messed up with her, Osamu."
Kita said.

"Damn It. I know i did. But- Ugh why do i even-"

"Osamu. Why did you say that?"

"I- i Was- i Was probaply overhelmed."

I had enough and walked away.

When school ended, i walked to the gym.
Since i Was the Manager, i wasn't able to avoid Osamu there.

Someone grabbed my hand.
I turned around.
It was osamu.


"Can we talk?"

"I don't know what you wanna talk about."
I said.


I let out a sigh.


"Im sorry."

"About what?"

"That i hurted you."

"You didn't-"

"I know i did.. Kita told me you... you are in love with me and..."


"Yeah. So- im sorry. I really am. The thing is, i was overhelmed af."


I was cut of by osamu hugging me.

'Wh- why'

Tears filled my eyes..

"Don't fucking cry you idiot"
He said.

"You... you are the idiot here...."
I hugged him back...

We stood there like that for 5 Minutes.
I wiped my teared away and we walked to the gym like nothing happened.

Training was normal.
When school ended, the twins and i walked home together. But Atsumu had to do something, so it was only me and Osamu.

"You wanna grab something drink?"
He asked.


We stopped at a shop and got ourself something to drink. Then we walked our way home.
Since we stopped at a Shop we had to take another way home.

There was a smaal brige we had to cross.
A sakura tree Was blooming above the brige.
I walked there and looked at the beautiful tree.

Osamu stood beside me and "lend" over the brige fench.

The wind blew Softly..


I looked over to him.


He kissed me.
I blushed like an idiot..

He pulled away.

"I love you" he said with a smile.

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𝕣𝕚𝕔𝕖 // Osamu Miya x reader// EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now