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The next morning i woke up and got myself ready for school.

"Maybe i will see that guy from yesterday again."

I took my bag and left my flat.

On the way to the staion i Was listening to my Favorit Songs at my phone.

I arrived at the Station, i sat on the bench and waited for the train.
When the train arrived i got in.

Seats where free, so i sat down. After i did that, i looked like an idiot for that boy.
I really wanted to thank him, but he wasn't there. Sadly.

After i got out, i walked to school while i Was listening to music again.

I sat on my seat at the classroom and waited for the teacher to come.

"Good morning everyone. Today we'll do Partner work and go to the Libary.
I will now devide groups."

'Great i hate Partner work. Well on the otherside it may help me find me friends'

"[L/n]- san, and chizuru- san"

'Chizuru- san. Hmmm i feel like i heard that name somewhere'

When the old man, divided the groups, we all walked to the libary.

Everyone was walking with thier Partner, i walked alone. I didn't really cared about that.

"Hey, you are [L/n]- san. Right?"

I looked to my left.

"Uh, hi. Yes. Are you Chizuru- san?"

The girl smiled and nooded her head.

"We will be Partners."


At the Libary the girl sat next to me and we were doing our work.
She was kind of annoying. She talked to much and looked happy all the time.


When class ended, Everyone walked to eat at Lunchtime.
I was just About to and sit on my desk in the classroom.
But then i heard the annoying voice again calling out my name.

"[L/n]- sannnnn!"

I turned around.

"Uhm yes? You need something?"

"Nope. I wanna eat lunch with you."

"Uh i don't eat something."

"Oh, we can share mine tho!"

"Why would you?"

"Couse we are Partners!"

"Ugh. Fine. But i am not hungry tho"

She smiled and walked to class with me.
We sat down and she started to eat her bento.

She asked me About 4 Times if iam sure that i don't wanna eat something.
I always said "no" but she keept asking.

When school ended i was About to leave and go to work, but that voice again...

"[L/n]- san!!! You wanna go home together?"
She asked starting to walk on my left.

"No. I have to work."

"I can go with-"

"No. Thanks. Bye"

She stoped walking and i waved at her but not turning around while i walked away.
Maybe i Was kinda mean.

'I kinda feel Bad now... maybe i Was too mean'


I was cleaning the desks at work while touka took Orders.

"[L/n]- san. You seem kinda off today. Are you ok?"

"Huh? Oh yes. Im good thanks."

She smiled and walked away.
I was Working with touka for over 4month now and she knew that when i said that eveything is ok, she shouldn't ask more.
I was thankfull for that.

While i was Working, i still hoped that i will see that boy today.

'Ugh. Anyways... i will just thank him. When i see him. No need to be so focoused to find him.'

When my shift ended i walked to the trainstation and waited for the train.

After i got in, i had to stand again because there where too many people.

I still didn't saw that guy.

'Maaan. Was he even real???? DOES HE EVEN EXIST????'

I arrived at home and took a shower.
After that i ate Pizza and watched TV.

I was too curious and wanted to find that guy.
I took my Laptop and Googled for schools in my near.
I found schools, well too many. I looked up on thier Homepages to find anything.

'Okayyyy. What do we have now? Hmmmm inarizaki? The school is way to far away. So no. I'll leave it like that'

I was so exhauted. I took a deep breath.

'Okaaayyyy call down. You will find him. That misterious guy...'


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𝕣𝕚𝕔𝕖 // Osamu Miya x reader// EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now