Chapter 1: Big Brother Edgar And Raven!

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Chelsea' POV:

It's a beautiful morning then someone knocked on my bedroom door I know it's Raven so I answered while yawning cutely and stretching my arms, legs.

"Umm please come in Raven!" As Raven opened the door and comes in bowing at me as he brought my breakfast in a tray.

"Good morning miss Chelsea." Raven greeted me with a little smile but couldn't help but blush.

"Good morning Raven, what's for breakfast today?" I asked him with a sweet smile and a blush well you see I have a huge crush on Edgar Nii- San's loyal butler Raven.

"We have eggs, sausages with toast and warm Jasmine tea, miss Chelsea."

"Arigato Raven!" As I start eating my breakfast happily.

"I'll run a bath for you miss Chelsea.' Raven told me as I nodded in thanks.

"Yes please, arigato Raven and the food is delicious as always Raven!" he bowed and went in my bathroom to start to run a bath for me.

"Arigato gonzaimas miss Chelsea." he bowed in thanks at my praise.

Then Raven came back and said.

"Your bath is ready miss Chelsea, I'll choose a dress for you miss Chelsea."

"Yes, thank you Raven." As Raven choose a dress from the closet, he chose a beautiful and elegant dress with a rose design then he place the dress on my bed taking the empty dishes with him and bows at me with a smile before leaving the room as I go to my bathroom taking a bath then I wore my pink dress and matching pink heels then brush and fix my long brown hair into a braided bun and went to greet the day and my big brother Edgar drinking his tea.

"Good morning Edgar Nii- San!" I greeted my big brother.

"Good morning Chelsea my adorable sister!" Edgar Nii- San greeted me back smiling at me patting my head gently like a good big brother should and I hugged him as I saw we had a guest.

"Ah Chelsea, this is miss Lydia Carlton a fairy doctor, Lydia this is my little sister Chelsea Victoria Ashenbert." Edgar Nii- San introduced me to Lydia.

"It's nice to meet you Lydia!" I greeted her with a smile.

"It's nice to meet you too Chelsea!" Lydia greeted back.

"Umm Edgar Nii- San what are we going to do today?" I asked my big brother as I sip my tea that my beloved Raven gave me.

"Hmm we're having a ball tonight, and I want Raven to teach you to dance!~" I blushed when my big brother said that Raven will teach me how to dance as I look at Raven then back at my dear big brother Edgar.

But did Edgar Nii- San knew of my huge crush on his loyal butler Raven? I thought to myself.

"O- Okay Edgar Nii- San!" I told him and he smiled while Lydia giggled at me and teased me about Raven making me blush a ton.

"Go Chelsea!, good luck and ooh you have a crush on Raven?, that's so adorable, I ship you two!" Lydia squealed.

"T- Thank you Lydia!" I replied with a smile while still blushing.

"Raven please teach my little sister, Chelsea how to dance understood?" Edgar told Raven.

"Yes my lord." Raven replied as Raven bows and look at me giving a smile that make my heart beat and my blush to worsen making both Edgar Nii- San and Lydia and even Nico to tease me.

"Ooh Chelsea and Raven are blushing!~" Nico said as he saw both me and Raven are blushing.

Then Nico suddenly pushed me to Raven and in his arms causing me blush even more along with Raven.

Hashaku To Yousei Raven X Chelsea Victoria AshenbertWhere stories live. Discover now