Chiffon And Cotton Part 2

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(Velvet's house)

Chiffon and Cotton were currently in highchairs while the ambassadors were in the kitchen while mixing together twigs, leaves and grass while Dante held a book about chinchillas.

"Are you sure we're doin' this right?" Holly asked as she looked at the grass, leaves and twigs in the bowl.

"That's a chinchilla's diet according to the book." Dante said as he looked at the book.

They all then heard a lot of noise behind them. So, they slowly turned around to see Chiffon and Cotton breaking everything they could.

"Aaahh!" the ambassadors screamed.

"No, no, no!" Synth exclaimed as Lownote grabbed the two chinchillas.

"Cool." Val chuckled as they looked at the, now trashed, house.

"No. Not cool." Synth disagreed.

"Velvet's gonna go ballistic." Holly said.

"You got that right, baby." Lownote agreed as he patted Synth on the back.

Dante then noticed something, "Weren't you holding Chiffon and Cotton?"

They then heard a crash coming from up stairs. They ran upstairs into Velvet's room to see them clinging onto one of Velvet's dresses with their claws.

"Don't you dare!" Holly glared.

The two chinchillas just smirked at them and shredded the dress with their claws. They then appeared on Holly's shoulders and started to pull on her ears.

"Ow! Ow!" she grunted as she crashed into various objects in the room, "Don't just stand there! A little help, please!"

"Okay." Val nodded as she readied her guitar like a baseball bat, "Let Holly go or face the wrath of my guitar."

"Val, are you insane!?" Dante shrieked.

"What made you think I was ever sane?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I have no idea." he muttered.

Chiffon and Cotton then appeared in front of them and gave them the biggest puppy eyes they could. They tried to resist it but they couldn't help it.

"I can't stay mad at you!" Synth exclaimed as he picked them up and hugged them, "You two are too cute!"

"Cute!?" Holly asked, "They, not only, trashed Velvet's house but they also pulled my ears! It hurt, a lot!"

"Oh, yeah. I forgot about that." he chuckled.

"Wait... downstairs!" Dante exclaimed as he remembered the state of downstairs.

"Oh, baby. This ain't good." Lownote muttered as they saw all the destruction downstairs.

"It'll take so long to clean this up." Val groaned.

"Velvet'll be back by the time we're finished." Holly sighed.

Synth then burst into tears, "She's never gonna trust me again."

The other ambassadors gathered around him in comfort while Chiffon and Cotton watched from the top of the stairs. They then shared looks of regret but made confident looks and nodded at each other.

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