My old days

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       The new year 2020 has started! Gosh I am so excited for this year and kind of sad 'cause it's my last year at school. But I don't really think about that so.  Might as well enjoy my last year! New journey has begun.

Ah first day at school seem pretty normal. There's new classmate and all. I must say I am a pretty smart kid in the class. But cannot surpassed the REALLY BIG BRAIN SMART KIDS . Yep they are so smart. I wanna say that I like drawing it's one of my hobbies But at that time the drawing is pretty. Pretty ugly. I must say.

I am a school prefect. Yeah busy taking care of kids and all. Oh wait. Why did I talk about that part of my life. This is not the title mentioned. Ehehe you don't mind right.

Anyways so I had a trip to Selangor. The always no water state. But no provoke or anything.

I didn't really enjoyed it cause our trip to there, in the bus I was having a cold. Later on when we arrived, ok I have a fever. Yeah that's the worst. On a group I am the female leader like whaaaat. I did my best on a project.

Skip to that, on the last day I was having a bad fever. The last worse fever I had got me into  a hospital. Okay I am sick of the injection. Every single day I was given injection. Nuh uh I was going to recall it back. Back at home I had my favourite drink. Aa a chocolate milk. I love milk. I am tall for my age hehe. I am seriously tall than most boys. Yep.

You know after quarantine I forgot how my life was before watching Anime. March started must as well quarantine started in my country. I don't even know what the hell am I doing while quarantine. Yeah homework homework homework. I play games too. And of course watch Tiktok too.

I played game every single day. I played games more than study. My parents always said that study is the top priority. Yep often wait no always get scolded yes always and more. I know I know. Honestly I don't even remember what I did back then.

July 15, I am back to school. Of course so excited! Haven't see my friends to months. I must say before quarantine I never even close to know English my English was also bad especially at grammar. Well I learnt from the best

How I Started Becoming A WeebHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin