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 CHAPTER SIX: the halloween prank

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 CHAPTER SIX: the halloween prank

COOKIES AND MILK was practically a tradition for Daisy, Scorpius, and Albus on Halloween. Luckily for them, this year's Halloween was a Saturday meaning they could spend the whole day in the kitchen snacking and talking about the latest Hogwarts gossip. A plus that James was out pranking the first years along with Roxanne and Fred, therefore, the trio knew he wouldn't come and bother them.

     "You better catch the snitch at your next quidditch game Al," warned Daisy strictly. "If you don't, you can't eat dinner, and you know I'm not joking."

       Albus rolled his eyes at her statement, but he knew that she wasn't joking. "I understand," he muttered.

  Daisy smiled satisfied at his answer. "Good."

       Scorpius on the other hand raised an eyebrow. "But next game we are playing against Gryffindor, and James is really talented at being a seeker," he pointed out as if were obvious.

       Albus huffed quietly at his best friend's remark, which did not go unnoticed by Daisy. She instantly glared at Scorpius after that, she knew how much Albus hated that everything he could do, his brother could do better. From getting girls, earning good marks, and all the way back to quidditch. The whole wizarding world seemed to adore the first son of Harry Potter as he was the Gryffindor golden boy while Albus was the black sheep of his family.

       "Well my baby can do better than that arrogant toerag." Daisy cooed, pinching Albus's cheeks, making him swat her hands away instantly.

       "Forget James and Daisy, you guys should get together instead," teased Scorpius, making the duo instantly scoot away from each other, disgusted at the thought of seeing each other romantically.

   "Gross," they stated honestly in unison, scrunching up their nose in disgust.

       "Oh yeah? Both of you are forgetting about what happened in third year." Scorpius replied with a smirk on his face, making the other two groan knowing exactly where this conversation was going.

        Back two years ago, Daisy and Albus had both had an intense crush on each other as both of their faces would get read just by making eye contact with each other. Scorpius being their only other friend had to listen to both of them rant about the other one, making his patience thin on ice. He decided to be a good friend, and lock the two in a broom closet until they talked out their feelings as he thought it was the logical thing to do at the time. Surprisingly it did work as the pair had admitted feelings to each other, and had even shared a kiss, but as soon as their lips locked, they both hated it. It was safe to say their feelings had gone away, but to this day Scorpius still teased them about it. 

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