"I'm gonna head out now," I announced and headed towards the door.

"Alright. Bye dear," she replied with a smile.

"Bye," I said and then exited the whore house.

I stretched out my arms and glanced around. What was I gonna steal today?

I made my usual rounds around the decent part of the market place. Snagged some money along with some fruit. I was pretty good at stealing at this point. Gotta do what you need to to survive. Ugh. I feel like I think that so much. Is that all there is to life? Survival. To mom there has to be happiness....But, my happiness was growing up. I can't keep her forever.

I walked up to my house and noticed the door was cracked open a bit. My eyes narrowed and I pulled out my knife, just in case. I slowly opened the door and glanced around.

"Isabel," I called as I walked into the house.

My house was....absurdly clean for some reason. I set my stuff down and began to wander the house. I heard footsteps and moved to the side, so I wouldn't be seen. The footsteps got closer and eventually I saw.....Levi.....What the hell....

"WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE!" I yelled and he seemed unfazed.

"It was dirty and Farlan was babysitting so I had nothing better to do," Levi stated.

I sighed in annoyance and then flopped onto the couch, putting an arm over my eyes.

"You clean freak," I muttered. "Stay out of my house. I don't need you going through my stuff."

"It's not like you've got a lot anyway," Levi commented.

Jerk! Asshole! AHHHHHH!

"Thanks...." I murmured and sat up. "How about you cook me dinner while your here."

"I'm not your mom," Levi hissed.

"No you aren't," I stated and laughed at the thoughts going through my head. "You wouldn't make a good enough whore."

He seemed stuck at what I said. I didn't think much of it and walked past him to the kitchen. I began to rummage through what we had. Vegetables, fruit, a small sliver of sad excuse for meat....I could make some veggie beef stew. I could work with this.

I turned around and ran into Levi's chest.

"What the-"

I wasn't able to finish my sentence since he grabbed my arm, pinning me to the nearest wall.

"What did you say earlier," he muttered and it felt like this dark aura was just surrounding him.

To be honest, I'm kinda afraid.

"I didn't mean any offense!" I immediately stated. "I didn't think you would take it seriously."

"What do you even know about whores," he stated, glaring down at me.

"More than you think, my mom is one," I replied and cursed myself for revealing that.

"Your mom..." he said, seeming interested in the subject.

"I don't want to talk about my mom," I muttered. "Just let me go now...."

He seemed surprised by my tone and actions. I guess it was odd I wasn't putting up a fight or arguing. He didn't make any move to let go of me though. He stayed there, staring down at me.

"Since you were raised by one, do you think you're any good," Levi murmured, decreasing the space between us.

I snapped.....Next thing I know, I slap him across the safe. He seemed about as shocked as I was.

I wasn't in shock for long though.

"Don't ever compare me to her! I'm not my mother!" I yelled at him. "I will not sell my body off to some assholes! I won't let myself get pregnant and have my children starve. You have no right to say any of that. You think you know me but you don't!"

I shoved him away and got as much space as I could, moving away from him.

"Get out," I said firmly.

He didn't argue and moved to leave. As he was about to exit, Farlan and Isabel walked through the door and noticed my presence.

"Hey Levi! Hi (Y/n).....Uh....(Y/n)..Why are you crying." Farlan spoke.

I looked at him confused and then lifted my hand up feeling a wetness on my cheek. I was crying......

Everyone including Levi were surprised at my current state. I wasn't supposed to show weakness.........Why does it hurt so much....being called a whore by him......I hate these feelings.....

Hey! How you doing?

Hope you're liking the story rn! I'm having good time and I'm doing well if you must know.

Just throwing in some spicy drama here and there.

More chapters to come! Thank you for reading! ❤😁

Slayer Of His Heart ~ Levi Love Story Where stories live. Discover now