Chapter Eight

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It was a new day, the sun shining and birds chirping. People around Yairenth were happily walking throughout the streets, talking amongst themselves.

Theo was glad that his father allowed him to continue being friends with a giant. He was passing by trees and walking through bushes, searching for Zelphar.

Abruptly, the sounds of sobbing filled the human's ears. He recognized those cries. Immediately, he picked up speed, hoping that Zelphar was okay.

As he ran, he stupidly didn't look where he was going. Looking in every direction except what was in front of him. Suddenly, Theo slammed into something hard but warm. A loud gasp filled the air from the giant.

"W-What?" A giant hand headed towards Theo, and his two fingers were held under his arms. Then he was lifted in the air to his eye level. "Theo!"

"In the flesh-" Theo froze as he saw blood and bruises on the giant's face. Subconsciously, Zelphar held his free hand over his eye as he set the human back down. "Please tell me that isn't all your blood."

"Heh, I wish I could say that it's not." The giant gave him a dry laugh, trying his best to hold in his frees and ignore the pain.

"Tell me who did that to you!" Theo demanded answers. His eyes narrowed, practically glaring at the giant. He was not going to let this go so quickly.

"It's just a bit of blood. I'm fine." Zelphar had a weak smile, keeping his hand over his face to hide the newfound wounds.

"You are not fine!" Without thinking, the human began climbing up Zelphar's shirt to get a closer look at the injuries. A hand swiftly scooped from under him. He was held at eye level again with the giant.

As if Zelphar could read his mind, he moved his hand down to his side, revealing his bruises. Tears trickled down the giant's cheeks, making his eyes puffy. It really hurt Theo to see his friend in so much pain.

"Zel..." The human brushed his hand on the giant cheek in front of him. Just as he did that, a tear the size of his fist ran into his hand. He shook it off and placed his hand back, also resting his head against his cheek.

"M-Mm?" Zelphar didn't trust himself to talk, knowing that a flood of tears would come pouring down from his eyes.

"I'm so s-sorry all of this is happening to you. I-I wish I could rid all of your pain." Tears were threatening to stream down Theo's face. He rubbed his eyes to make sure they didn't.

"You being here already makes the pain go away," Zelphar muttered under his breath, only for Theo to hardly hear it. Before the human could respond, the giant began to stand, using his free hand to secure Theo. "Can we go to my cave?" He asked, looking down at his hands.

"I would love to." Theo smiled up at him as he hugged the giant thumb tighter. After he said that, Zelphar began making his way to his new cave.


As Zelphar was walking, dark clouds began forming in the sky. Seeing this, the giant started speeding up, frantically looking up at the sky.

"Zel, is everything okay?" Immediately, the giant's free hand placed itself on top of him, keeping him from falling off or being jostled around too much.

"Y-Yeah, just fine!" His hands began trembling, but Theo couldn't tell since everything around him was shaking so much. "We are almost there!" He assured the human in his hands.

What felt like twenty steps from the giant, they made it to the cave. Once Zelphar quickly went inside, rain began pouring from the sky. Then the giant removed his free hand from on top of Theo.

It took a moment for Theo to stand since his legs felt like jelly. He used the giant thumb to help him stand properly. "Can ... can you put me down, please?"

"Oh, yeah, sure." Zelphar gently lowered his hand and laid it against the ground. The human shakily stepped off and stumbled forward before regaining his balance. Theo was confused as to why the giant wasn't apologizing. He noticed how he was staring outside in fear.

"Zel?" When Theo spoke, the giant jumped and yelped in fear before looking down at him. "What's wrong?" He continued.

"R-Rain!" As he said that, the giant hugged his knees and shivered. An unintentional smirk grew onto Theo's face.

"Wait, so you, Zelphar, the giant, is afraid of the rain?" The human snorted, struggling to hold in his laughter.

"Giants don't get scared." The giant huffed as he stuck out his bottom lip, pouting. Then Zelphar shrieked when the sound of thunder crackled in the darkened sky and buried his face in his knees.

"I'll protect you, Zel." Theo confidently smiled up at the sobbing giant. The giant took a shaky breath before making eye contact with him. Zelphar couldn't help but smile back at him.

"Thank you, Theo."


Theo woke up from something squeezing from all around him. His arms were painfully pressed against his sides. He tried to move but he couldn't. Even worse, the human could hardly breathe.

"Z-Zel!" He cried out, but whatever was squeezing him tightened. The human realized that Zelphar was the one who was holding him. "ZEL! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD LET ME GO!" Theo screamed at the top of his lungs, jolting the giant awake.

"Theo?!" The giant had no idea what was going on or where the human was. He felt wriggling in his hand and looked down. In shock, he immediately dropped Theo, making him land on the ground.

Theo was staring up at him in fear, making Zelphar wince. "It's okay, don't be afraid... You're alright." He muttered before slowly reaching his hand out to him.

"S-Stay away!" Instantly, Theo scooted away to avoid his touch, trembling a lot. The giant's heart sand to his stomach as he recoiled back.

"I don't want to hurt you, I promise." Zelphar held his hands against his chest to show he wasn't going to grab him again. "D-Did I... hurt you?" The giant squeaked.

Instead of getting a response, Theo shakily stood up and backed away. "D-Don't run away! It's okay. I won't touch you." Now the giant was begging, afraid of losing his friend.

Right after he said that, Theo dashed toward the opening. Zelphar didn't stop him, knowing if he did, he would scare the human even more. "W-Wait, please d-don't just l-leave me."

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