were in camp? part 2

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we left off with our hero talking to his boyfriend!

"Hi guys"

" hi nico"

"Any room under that umbrella?"

"Oh yeah! We can't have you catching fire or something" jason,eveon and piper giggled.nico sighed.

"Yeah I'm not letting that happen" Will's voice was like the sun but better,it made him feel so warm he thought he would never feel cold. He felt like he could start a fire by snapping.

"Hi Will"

"Hi neeks, did you put sunscreen on yet?"

"No" he blushed and looked down.

"I dont think ill need it,im not leaving the umbrella"

"Oh ho ho yes u are and you only need a bit on your face"

"I don-" "yes you do,you got a sunburn from france and the sun wasn't even out half of the day"

Nico pouted and 'looked' away.


Nico heard some crunchy sand sounds.

"He's coming over" yes thank you eveon i really didn't know. Suddenly warm hands were moving his face to face Will's. Will took away his hands for a moment then came back with cold.

Nico jumped a bit,Will chuckled as he rubbed the sunscreen on his face.

"There! Now you won't catch fire...well at least from the sun" then nico heard splashing and shouting.

"Nico's here!" Leo shouted.

"wooooah!" percy hollered.

"Oh no" he muttered as he ducked behind Will. Nico could feel Will laughing as he clinged to his back.

"DI ANGLEO COME OVER HERE!'' Leo yelled,more threatening splashing.

Nico squeaked and moved away from Will. Jason's back seemed like a better spot suddenly. Then he was grabbed and lifted up. He flailed.

"It's Jason,It's just Jason,you're not flying just being picked up" Eveon shouted as he floated up towards Nico trying to keep an eye on him.

Nico stopped flopping around in jason's arms.he glared to the best of his ability.jason laughed.

"Your going in the water"


Jason started moving,Nico continued struggling.

"Jason! Jason,lasciami andare altrimenti ti morderò via il tuo stupido fottuto naso, fastidioso- ahhhh!"(jason, let me go or else i will bite your dumb fucking nose off,you annoying- ahhhh)

Suddenly nico was dunked in the water,that was pretty scary if he was being honest but the worst was yet to come. Percy chuckled as he surrounded his body below his neck in water and lifted him up. Nico squealed as he was lifted. Why did I agree to this again?

Percy lifted him to a deeper part of the water?

"He's taking you deeper in so he can drop you without hurting you"

Nico gulped,even with sight this would be terrifying. It took a minute but then he was finally dropped. He screamed a bit but that was REALLY scary.water surrounded him internally,he couldn't tell up from down,he was panicking. He was going to drow- and then he was being pulled up by the water or percy to be more exact.

"Yeah no drawing on my watch '' Nico could practically hear Percy hands on his hips as he sassed. Nico would have laughed if he wasn't coughing up water. After a minute of coughing he was splashing percy. Percy giggled and dogged him. After a couple minutes of water splashing percy and leo seemed content to just talking.nico sighed and floated on his back.

The water was scary but his friends were there,if anything happened his friends were there. Eveon helped him spash people better and guide him to the best shells and rocks. The more textured to the better. Eveon grabbed his hand.

"Do you want to go back to the umbrella?" nico nodded. Eveon helped him not sit on any crabs or shells.

Nico sighed drawn out. This day was strange,all peaceful and fun. Suddenly a very warm hand booped him. Nico would have said poked his nose but the person in question happened to say boop while doing it.

Will giggled,Nico cracked one of his eyes open for appearances sake.

"Yes?" nico asked eyebrow quirked

"Sorry your just cute"

A light blush covered nico's cheeks.

"Am not"

"Yes you are"

"Am NOT"

"Yeeeeeeees you areeeee" Will sung.

Nico let out a disgruntled squawk.

"You know what i'm going to go back to swimming"

Nico got up and started walking toward the water with a shaking eveon.

Eveon barked out a laugh as nico heard a shuffling crunchy sand sound.

"No nico you need to reapply sunscreen!" Nico began running with eveon.both laughing and dodging Will.

Nico ran into the water

"Hah! Now you have to get wet!"

"Nicooooooo come on,it will only take a second"

"Will it be the beach! Get in the water and make me!"

Will huffed and whistled.not a low whistle,wolf whistle or anything like that. This whistle was like the one Will had used during war. It was a LOT quieter tho.

Nico let out a quite eep sound. The water splashing and talking stopped.

"PERCY!" Will yelled and whistled again.softer this time but clearly heard by all.nico heard a water surging sound.

"Percys coming" eveon whisper shouted.

Suddenly a water blobby hand was on his shoulder.(think the water in moana type of water) nico jump slightly.

"You called?" the slight pant in percy's words showed he had got here as fast as possible or that he and jason were still having fun.

"Yeah,Percy, could you grab nico? I don't want to get wet and he's going to set on fire soon"

Nico could almost hear the cruel smile on Percy's face.

"Yeah we cant have our vampire combusting today"

Suddenly nico was being lifted,not by water but by lean muscled arms that were warm and smooth.nico's face got hot. He didn't like Percy like he had before but this was embarrassing and Percy was still hot. Percy chuckled.

"Doctor sunbeam where do you want him?"

"oh.. over here is perfect"

Percy dropped him on a ...towel? Oh he was under the umbrella again.nico let out a drawn out sigh and shook his head. Percy chuckled. Eveon floated up toward him.

"Anything else?"

Will hummed for a moment.

"No i think im good"


"Percy just smiled and soluted Will,with the wrong hand"

Will giggled and turned his not dead aura to him.

"Ok sunscreen"

After some shuffling sounds and crunchy sand,cold slathered his face.

Nico eeped again. Will laughed and rubbed some on his cheak.after a minute Will deemed Nico fit for the sea.nico just sighed and rested his head on Wills lap.

Will chuckled and started to braid and finger comb his hair. It was heaven. Nico's eyelids slowly got more and more droopy. Eventually, they fell shut.

Sorry it took so long to update

Okay that's it guys! Eat some food,drink some water,take your meds,pet a cat and read fanfic. Have a good thursday!

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