A full analysis of the hair would take hours, if not days, but quirk-sequencing technology had developed at an incredible rate over the past few decades. With the police force's resources, identifying it would only take a few minutes.

Just as Unknown was beginning to grow impatient, her hands starting to fidget shakily, the door opened and the man reentered the room, jaw tensed and brows drawn.

"Alright, I accept your deal," he stated, his posture rigid as he sat back down, quickly pulling out a pen and notepad, "Now tell me what you know about Sacrosanct."


The police had long suspected there was more than a mere conspiracy behind the urban legend of the group called Sacrosanct. The links between the crimes they were supposedly responsible for had grown stronger in the past few years, consistent similarities in the state of the crime scenes, the method of attack, and the complete lack of evidence were only a few of the many factors that started raising suspicions.

These suspicions were fully and utterly confirmed by the statement of that girl called Unknown.

After coming to an agreement on the parameters of their deal, Unknown relayed no small amount of intimate detail about the group, from information about the other members, to why certain targets were chosen, to details of crimes that were never even discovered. She confessed this information freely and without hesitation, a puzzling fact that did not escape the police chief. However, he held off on his curiosity, deeming the information to be more worthwhile.

He learned three of the other members, like Unknown, were mere children, all of them even younger than her.

The one named Amnestica was a year younger and possessed a memory-wiping quirk. Its main effect lay in her ability to produce a white, odorless gas with amnestic properties. When inhaled, it would cause near-permanent short term memory loss of events within the last few minutes. She could also erase older memories through skin-to-skin contact, though she could only affect memories she was already aware of. A major side effect, however, rose in the form of gaining any memory she erased, and subsequently, she was often unable to distinguish transferred memories from her own. Amnestica's quirk was responsible for the complete absence of witnesses to their crimes.

Horus was two years younger than Unknown and possessed a weather-based quirk. He was able to create storms and affect temperatures within a zone of influence around him, however he relied little on these abilities for combat. His quirk was most often used as cover during their attacks, reducing the number of people present while also limiting visibility. Upon reviewing the cases linked to Sacrosanct, a large portion of them had indeed occurred on dates of unforecasted storms. Horus's quirk was responsible for mitigating the risk to the members as they carried out their unscrupulous tasks.

Traceback was the youngest of the group, a few months behind Horus. She possessed the ability to mimic voices, being able to reproduce the voice and speech patterns of any person she had spoken to within the past six hours. This quirk was often used to gather sensitive information about their targets prior to an attack, as the mimicry was accurate enough to be indistinguishable even by advanced voice recognition technology. Traceback's quirk was responsible for their ease of access in and out of the scene.

The four of them had come to Sacrosanct at different times, but they were all very young. With some uncertainty, Unknown recalled the Manager, the leader of the group, had taken her from a home for orphaned and abandoned children, having raised her ever since. After that, the others joined one by one, each of them also taken from places where unwanted children were plenty. Whenever he brought a new child- a new sibling, he said- he would give them a name based on their quirk, insisting they had always been called that way. Over time, they would each forget their real names.

This Thing A Quiet Madness MadeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora