Best friends fiance~1

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Hannah sighed to herself as she got to work. She looked to see Tom and carter and smiled. Hannah was trying to be a good friend and be there for Carter and Tom.

They were getting married and Hannah was happy for them but she didn't know why but she felt sad. Hannah didn't know what it was. She didn't know if it was because they were happy and planing a wedding and she knew it was what she wanted, she knew that she was single and she kissed it, Hannah smiled as she walked into the staffroom as she started to make a coffee and smiled as Carter and Tom walked in.

Carter walked over to where Hannah was and smiled "how's things going. Have you set a date for the wedding" Hannah asked as carter smiled

"were looking at next year. I know it's long but we got engaged quick and we want to make sure we are planned and we don't want to rush into marriage" carter said as Hannah smiled

"it is what you want, isn't it. I mean after max and everything" Hannah asked

"max and I are history, this is what I want, I love Tom snd he is my future" carter said as Hannah smiled

Hannah sat in her classroom and smiled as Tom walked in "hey" Hannah said as Tom smiled

"can I speak to you, it's over carter and the wedding" he said as he closed the door, she looked to him and frowned

"your having doubts. Aren't you" she asked as he sighed as he sat on the side of a desk

"i thought it was what I wanted. We have been together a while and I love her, well I thought I did and now I don't know what to do, I don't want to hurt her" Tom said as Hannah looked to him and sighed

"there's someone else isn't there Tom. I mean you were happy and how you don't want to marry her. There's someone else it's the only explanation" Hannah said as she walked over to him. He looked up at her and sighed

"fine, you want to here we say it, there is" he said as Hannah sighed, she was shocked and she couldn't believe that he would do it to carter.

"I knew it, damn it Tom. Who is she?" Hannah asked as Tom looked to her, he didn't say anything

"well if your so cover why don't you work it out" Tom said as she looked to him and frowned. She couldn't believe what he was saying and that he wanted her

Hannah sat in her flat and sighed as she answered the door and saw Tom as he rushed inside. She looked to him and rolled her inside

"well, come inside why don't you, Tom you can't do this. Go to carter and marry her" Hannah said

"I can't. Han, your the light of my day, I have all this feelings. Your all I think about and I don't think I have come up with these feelings by myself" he said as she looked to him and sighed

"it doesn't matter you are with carter and nothing can happen" Hannah said as he looked to her.

He placed a hand on her cheek as he leant in and kissed her. Hannah froze for a moment as she found herself kissing him back not knowing the big mess she had got involved in and how everything with her and Tom was going to change

Best friends fiancée *T. Clarkson*Where stories live. Discover now