Chapter 2

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New York. She was in New York City. Was this Midgard? She had to find out what realm she was in so she can get home. 

Father? Can you hear me?  Ashton tried to reach into his mind. 

She can feel that he was alive but that was all. Ashton looked around and saw an abandoned building. That will have to do. She went inside and fell asleep on the floor. 

A few hours later she woke up to a loud sound that sounded like a honk. She got up quickly with a knife in her hand as she peaked outside through a broken window. 

Ashton saw contraptions going around each other on the streets and some were honking at people crossing the street. She put her knife away and pulled out a book that Frigga gave her about Midgard. It was study time about her new found situation. 

*** With Loki on Asgard***  

"Where did you send her?!" Loki shouted at the Allfather. 

"None of your concern. Now you can continue your studies without distractions." Odin said before he walked out and towards the palace. 

Loki turned toward his mother and Thor. "Did you know?"

" I knew something was happening however I hoped it was not this." Frigga said. 

"I'll be in the library if you need me. I will find my child." Loki stated as he teleported away. 

*** With Ashton ***

It's been a few days. Ashton found out he still has his magic. He shapeshifts every few days after making a mistake while trying to buy something. He was still a girl at the time but he went to a market to buy fruit to eat. Ashton soon found out that the currency here was not sliver or gold coins. The guard or police as he learned ran after him demanding to know where he stole from. He ran into the crowd and shifted to a boy. Good thing only Father and Grandmother can tell if it's Ashton. 

He soon learned he was able to change a silver coin into the currency here and it was more then enough to get food and Midgard's clothes. 

He walked into another crowd when he felt like he was being followed. He quickly shifted into a girl with long black hair and brown eyes with pale skin. Ashton then calmly walked out of the crowd and into an alley. 

She only had to wait a minute before a woman came into the alley. She had brown hair and eyes with light skin, walking like no one can stop her. 

"Who are you and what do you want?" Ashton asked her. 

"I could say the same to you child," the woman replied. She had a different accent then everyone else here. It reminded Ashton of her father. 

"However, my name is Peggy Carter and I would like to ask you a few questions." Peggy continued. 

"Go ahead ma'am." Ashton told her. She couldn't trust anyone on this planet. She knew that but if Peggy knew something then maybe she could help her get home.

"Not here. Follow me." Peggy said as she walked down the street. 

"Where are we going?" Ashton asked as she caught up.

"To my apartment." Peggy responded. 

*** In Peggy's apartment***  

"So who or what are you?" Peggy asked. 

"I will warn you, I will not tell you much. I don't trust you. However you can call me Ash and I am not from around here." Ashton said. 

"How is an 11 year old able to shapeshift?" 

"Looks can be deceiving and I was born with the ability. That is all I wish to say. Now what do you want with me?" 

 Peggy sighed. "The government of the United States wishes to create soldiers for the war. Your abilities can change the tide."

"I will not become some experiment for your war-" "I am aware and I will not allow a child to be experimented on. Sadly some people on both sides will not care if you are a child or not. There are only a few people that I trust to keep you safe." 

"Why do you care?" Ashton was astonished. This women has no clue what she was capable of and yet didn't lie about any of it. One of the perks of being the God of Lies' daughter. 

"I was tasked with finding who or what was in that area that managed to steal pure gold and silver coins from in the middle of a war. They will ask questions or go after you themselves next and find out the truth about you." Peggy said nervously. 

"I didn't steal. However I was unaware that Midgard uses paper as currency. Since we are on the topic how could we get those people to leave me alone?" Ashton asked.

Peggy had an idea. I didn't like it much but if it meant staying out of prison then I will do it. I will go under the name Ash Carter and claim to be her adopted daughter. She will then claim that I was playing with the other children in the area when it happened and we saw the person getting away from the police. So he started chasing us and blamed me for it all. 

To be honest the plan reminded me of the pranks Father and I did in the palace. 

After a few days Peggy (or Mom if we are in public) had it all handled and I officially moved in as her daughter with the papers to prove it.

It's been a few months now since Ashton moved in. Peggy now knows of Ashton's magic, capability with weapons and that she is a princess on another planet.  

Today Peggy was taking Ashton with her to work since her babysitter left no warning about leaving town. Peggy knew she shouldn't leave Ashton alone even if she looked to only be almost 12 when she was really almost 102. 

Soon Peggy and Ashton where at training camp in front of the General. 

"And why did you bring a child with you today Carter?" The General asked.

"She needed to be watched over today sir." Peggy responded. 

"Alright, she can join the recruits, apparently we will have a special case here and maybe she can make him more at ease." The General said as her walked off. 

"Go line up with those men and try not to show off to much" Peggy smiled at Ashton.

Ashton lined up next to a small man that was only a bit taller than she was. 

Peggy was telling the men about camp as one interrupted and the mortal was stupid enough to flirt with her. Before Ashton could do anything he was on the ground from the force of Peggy's punch. 

Peggy stepped away for the General to give us workout drills. 

In the middle of doing some sort of jump X there was a shout for an explosive. Ashton jumped in front of Peggy to protect her as the small man covered the explosive with his body. 

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