Chapter Twenty Four

Start from the beginning

Thankfully the only part of the wedding party that was there when we got into the house was Sandy's Aunt, Uncle and her 15 year old cousin Jane. Jane was going to be Sandy's flower girl and the few times we'd seen each other at dress fittings, she was ridiculously excited. She threw her arms around my neck,

"Can you believe this place? I can't believe this place."

I smiled,

"Jane, this is my sister Dori." She waved at Dori excitedly after releasing me from her grasp.

She bounced happily on her feet,

"The boys are already out doing their thing, Harry went with them." I did my best not to let my smile falter at the mention of his name, "Sandy is in her room. Your room is down that hallway, your name is on the door."

The grounds of the resort were like something out of a dream. For something just an hour outside of the city it was like we'd driven to another country. Sprawling green hills with groves of trees everywhere. It was quiet. A huge cabin was for those in the wedding party, Sandy and Charles' families and Dori and I. There was a hotel a few miles down the road for everyone else.

Dori and I found our room quickly and I set to organizing and checking all of my equipment while Dori ran off with Jane to check out how the wedding preparations were going. I felt like I needed to get out and take some pictures to document everything and since there was no danger of running into Harry, I headed out to find Sandy.

I would locate her in her room with her bridesmaids, the festivities just getting started. She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek,

"I see you're ready to go." She said tapping on the three cameras I had hanging off my body.

I nodded,

"I'm gonna go get the preparations and then I'll be back. Did you want Charles and his friends photographed?"

I held my breath, waiting for her to answer. Thankfully she shook her head,

"I'd rather have you here with us. They'll be here in a couple hours to get ready themselves and then you can head over to Charles' room."

I squeezed her hand,

"Ok. I'm gonna head out, I'll be back in a bit."


My anxiety was off the charts as I walked around the grounds. The only way I knew how to deal with that was to throw myself into my job. So...that's what I did. Only when I saw the caterers show up with food trucks did I realize how long I'd been gone.

I was just coming out from the grove of trees where Sandy and Charles were going to take their vows when I saw the group walking across the grounds. It didn't take me long to zero in on a figure walking a few steps behind everyone with his hands in his pockets.


He was headed into the house so I was quite sure I was hidden from his view. While the boys in front of him looked to be jovial and excited, Harry hung back.

I watched Jane bounce out to him. She gave him a curtsy to which he bowed in response. She then hopped towards him and wrapped an arm around his waist to which he did the same around her shoulders and they walked inside.

I found myself remembering how kind and sweet he'd been to me. He'd been respectful of my boundaries since the moment I'd met him. I just wish it had been enough.

The real world always tends to remind you that life is not a romance novel. Fairytales don't come true. No matter how long you try to ignore it, somehow...the truth always rears its ugly head.

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