Chapter 5

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The next day was quite peaceful.  Or what I assumed was day since there was no sun, only the endless red sky.  I was allowed to explore in the trees, which eventually turned into a jungle like the one above, on the condition I didn't go too far.  Plus I was not in any way inclined to go exploring outside of the safety that Khagan provided.  I helped Khagan fish in the lake, catching oddly shaped demon fish that had four eyes instead of two or twin tails.  Which was quite unnerving so I settled with just cooking them once Khagan had skinned and gutted them with his sharp black claws.  I would talk with him about my life and after learning he was going to comeback with me; I explained what my world was like.

I was still mentally exhausted from being forced through the portal and deep down; I knew I didn't want to go back just yet. All of my problems couldn't bother me here and I dreaded what would happen when they discover that I have a demon. Not that I don't want Khagan, I actually have been taking comfort in the connection between us. Here, in this oasis, there were no worries and nothing trying to kill me. Something about the oasis was calming and isolated. I felt centered here, like nothing could harm me as long as I stayed inside the cliffs walls.

I was lying back under the shade of a palm tree, in sight of the lake with my recently washed hair spread out around my head. Khagan walked over and stretched out next to me, enjoying the soft breeze.  We laid there in silence, just enjoying each other’s company until questions started popping up in my head.


How will we get back?  I asked.


We will have to go to the dead zone where most portals are opened.  Your kind usually opens them every few days.  We can only wait after that. I sighed and thought of my only experience with portals.  A shudder came over me just thinking about what I would have to go through again.

Have you ever gone through one?


Yes. Twice before. It becomes easier the second time.  But you must brace yourself for it or going in unprepared will drain you more than the first time.  He warned.  We lapsed back into silence and I stared up at the unnaturally colored sky.  There were more questions that demanded answers but only one was really worrying me.

When we go back, will other know…

Attack?  No.  As long as you are with me they will not attack.  No harm will come to you.  I smiled at the reassurance.  I was unsure how he would respond since Khagan is still a demon even though that fact might have slipped my mind.  I still wasn’t quite sure about my opinion of demons at the moment.

Thank you.  I turned towards him and scratched under his chin and around his ears especially around the base of his antlers to show my gratitude.


We gathered and packed all of the necessary food for the week's trip out to the dead zone before sleeping.  We stood facing the waterfall, all of the packs securely tied to both Khagan and I.  I was really going to miss this place even though I had only been here for such a small amount of time. 

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