"A man with a deep-raspy voice called...and I may have passed out but...He said to come at nine am."


"What is the house like?"

"Big..Very big."



{Time skip}

"Malia it's eight-thirty...HURRY!" Called Madison behind the door.

She then opened the door to find Malia packing...

"Did you hear me?"

"How could I not?"

"Come on it takes about twenty minutes to get there."

"Ok..im done."

"The room is all empty.."


"Michaela help us load this into my car!"

"Fine." Replied Michaela picking up a box.

Once they were done packing all of the boxes into the car Malia and Madison drove to the Mukami estate.
Then pulling into the large estate's driveway.

"Wow, it is big.."

"I told you."

They then parked and began to unload the car.

"I'll knock on the door." Said Madison.

She then knocked twice...When the tall man with black hair and blue eyes opened the door.

"Hello...I'm Madison Cromwell, Malia's sister."

"I'm Ruki Mukami." He said with a slight smirk.

"Well, she is here on time we are just unpacking."

"Come with me." He said


"I'll show you the room."

"Ok...Malia, I'll be back."


He then directed her to a large room with grey wallpaper and white silk bedding.

"Wow, this is lovely.."

"I hope it suits her well."

"It will...Thank you."

"Do you need any help with unpacking?" He asked seriously.

"Sure." She replied smiling.

Once everything was in the room...

"I should get going...It was nice to meet you Mr.Mukami.."

"Hmm.." He said with an intimidating smirk.

"Bye Malia."


She then exited the room...

"Thank you for helping." Said Malia

"So that's your sister?"

"Oh yeah...We don't look alike huh?... And she's a good six inches taller than me."

"She's very...."




"Finish unpacking...You start immediately.."


"Once you finished I'll introduce you to my brothers."

Maid to the Mukami's {Yuma Mukami Fanfic} *Finished*Where stories live. Discover now