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chase- hey u ready

Charli- ya

Chase- okay I'll be there in 5

Charli- okay

*5 mins later*

Chase- am outside

Charli- okay

What charli wearing-

What charli wearing-

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Chase - hey

Charli- hi

Chase- u look nice

Charli- *blushes* thanks

*They get to the party a your later because they got dunkin first*

Charli- don't get to drunk

Chase- I won't

Charli- okay then let's go *grabs his hand*

Chase- wow someone in a rush

*They walk in*

Chase- am going get a drink do you want one

Charli- ya sure

*Chase comes back with 2 shots*

Chase- here

Charli- thanks

* They take the shots *

Charli- that's the worse thing I've ever drank

Chase- *laughs*

*10 mins later*

Chase- do you wanna go dance

Charli- ya

Chase-*grabs charli hand and takes her to the dance floor*

Charli-*wraps her arms around his neck*

Chase-*holds charli waist*

*They lock eyes*

Chase- you look really pretty tonight

Charli- your only saying that because ur drunk

*Btw there not drunk*

Chase- am not and do want me to prove it

Charli- go ahead

Chase-*smiles and kisses her*

Charli- *kisses back*

Chase- *brings charli more closer to him*
Does that prove it

Charli- *smiles* ya

*1 hour later*

( Btw there drunk now)

Chase- let's go before we get anymore drunk

Charli- ya *laughs*

*They go out to the car*

Charli- are you sure you wanna be driving

Chase- well theres noway else we can get home

Charli- do you have you bankcard

Chase- ya why

Charli- there a hotel over there
I'll give you back the money

Chase- mhm ya right

Charli- I will I promise and I think I left a bag in here with a jumper and shots

Chase-this one "pulls a bag out the trunk*

Charli- ya

* They go to the hotel and book in*

Charli- am going to shower I stink of beer

Chase- okay *lays on the bed*

*She comes out in a plain white hoddie and some nike pro shorts*

Charli- ugh I have a headache

Chase- don't drink next time

Charli- ugh whatever* sit on the bed *

Chase- anyways your 17 your to young to drink

Charli- so you probably got drunk before you were 18

Chase- true

Charli- what's the time

Chase- 11

Charli- mhm

*They both just go on there phones*

Charli- shit do you have a charger

Chase- ya

Charli- where

Chase- in the car

Charli- really *gets her shoes on*

Chase- here I'll come with you

Charli- okay just hurry up

Chase- done

* They go downstairs to the car *

Part 13 soon

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