Groceries | Chpt 39

Start from the beginning

"Here." He placed something in the cart to which Todoroki observed and checked off the list. I glanced over his arm, putting my own required things on my side of the basket.

"Stop walking so damn close to me Shitty Deku!"

"Don't cause a scene," I interrupted.

"You can't tell me what to fucking do, you're not Eraserhead. You just look like him," Bakugo scoffed.

"Kacchan that's not nic--"

"Nah it's fine, I've seen his mom. He's one to talk about copies," I stated, grabbing something off the shelf and placing it in the basket. I watched as Todoroki actually begin to smile.

"Stop fucking smiling IcyHot. Why don't we talk about your mom?" Bakugo scoffed.

"Kacchan!" Deku called, highly offended for Todoroki.

"Don't worry Midoriya, he's angry because I didn't hand his ass to him in the Sport's festival."

"Class 1-A. Primitive creatures."

"Shut it psycho extra, why are you even here?" Bakugo hissed. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked over to Kaminari. It seemed like this was an everyday occurence for them. Speaking of mothers, I sure felt like one standing here with unruly boys like this.

"Can we just go to the next aisle?" I asked.

"You started it!"

"No, I didn't," I refuted, trying to stand my ground against Bakugo. I thought we were at least okay after earlier this week.

"Oh yeah, well where's your mom?" he asked.

"Bakugo, stop," Kaminari said, stepping beside me. There was a brief pause. "Clearly I'm doing better at shopping, I don't think you can do better."

"Yes I can, give me that," Bakugo scoffed, ripping the list from Todoroki's hand. He moved onto the next aisle as my facial expression soured, turning the cart to follow him. The other 3 moved along as Kaminari fell in step with me as I pushed.

"You good?" Kaminari asked and I just nodded solemnly. We continued on for a while, Kaminari helping out. It seemed Monoma had put aside his own petty arguments for the afternoon, though I didn't believe this would do him much good in the long run. By the time we finished shopping, some private whisper conversations were had and we stood in line. The boys loaded things onto the counter to be checked out and I stood at the handle of the cart.

Bakugo measly meandered to the empty spot at my side, the one Kaminari had now left unattended. He dug the toe of his shoe into the ground, pouting heavily. He mumbled something and I turned, waiting for him to say it again. He sighed and rolled his eyes.

"I did...bad thing," he grumbled. "My bad."

I stared at him oddly, before letting out a sigh and a nod. He moved away from me and everyone took their own bags to carry. They waited outside for the other group who was getting in line to check out. I made my way out, tucking the list and my dad's card away. We all stood for a while and Kaminari stood beside me, almost protectively.

"Job well done students," Midnight said, exiting the store with her group. "I presume everything went okay?"

"Great," I replied simply and she nodded. We all started walking back and Kaminari who had a free hand, scooped the groceries out of one of mine so I wouldn't have to carry so much.

"M'lady," he said, smiling at me.

"Thank you sir," I replied, turning my face forward. That didn't hide the fact I was smiling and it was clearly seen by Kaminari.

"Bakugo said he apologized."

"Terrible apology but point taken," I said.

"That's...expected," Kaminari said, laughing in relief. Kaminari talked briefly of the usual drama that went on around his classroom. Kaminari was the type to be friends with everybody, so it didn't surprise me when the drama he stirred up was just face value kinds of things. " I mean, when you mentioned Bakugo's mom, I really had to stop myself from saying some dumb thing about how she's hot."

"Why didn't you?" I asked, making my way to the elevator with him. Everyone had drifted off, leaving with a quick goodbye to their respective places. Kaminari still holding some of my groceries walked with me.

"Well, he usually hates those jokes. I didn't want him to blow up the store, that would've been embarrassing," Kaminari said.

"Thanks for saving me the trouble."

"Anything for you beautiful," he said with a smirk. We reached the door and I, slightly incapacitated with the bags in my hands and all kinds of lazy, just knocked for my dad to open it.

"Did you lose your ke--" he stopped, seeing my hands full. He stopped even further, eyes looking towards a beaming Kaminari.

"Hello sir, sensei, sir," Kaminari greeted. My father looked back to my tired expression and just let the both of us in. Kaminari followed me with the bags to the kitchen.

"Remind me never to let Midnight convince me to do something 'fun' with her," I said to my father. He looked towards Kaminari accusingly, causing him to shrink against his gaze. "I don't know how you deal with the 'soon to be big 3' in your class everyday."


"Well doesn't even cover it," I said, setting the bags down. Kaminari did as well. "Thanks Kaminari."

"You're welcome," he said. He glanced towards my father briefly, eyes flickering, and simply slugged me on the arm. I winced slightly as he grinned awkwardly at me. He excused himself, leaving me with my hand on my arm. My father watched him leave before turning to me with an odd expression.

"Don't ask," I scoffed, shaking my head at him with the knowledge Kaminari was just trying to get on his good side.


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