Emergency meeting

Start from the beginning

The rest of the people who didn't raise their hands and even some who did, nodded at Uncle Bill's statement.

"I understand your concerns, but I'm not asking you to join the operation immediately. The reason I'm making this world more modern after every update instead of just making it more modern from the beginning, is because while the whole world is focused on the second world and forgot about the first world we make this place our playground. I want us to solve global warming. I want us to regrow the Earth's rainforest. I want us to pick up all the garbage in the oceans. I want creatures walking the earth again. I want us to get humans back into shape. I want us to completely explore the oceans. I want us to explore space, but most of all, I want to take advantage of the fact no one is watching and build a lot of secret underground bases and satellites that spy on people. And when the updates get to space, I hope that we had achieved all that. In truth it's not just one big project but a lot of big projects. The reason why it takes some time to get modern is because the projects for the 1st world will need a lot of more modern things. This way the Woods that specialise in fishing, cooking, real estate, painting and things like that can monopolize the business in the second world while the other Woods clean up the 1st world. 2 birds with one stone."

Some Woods looked a little disappointed that they couldn't explore the countless new plants, food and wildlife, but since their turn will come eventually and they knew the importance of the 1st world problem and how fun it'll be to build a lot of secret bases like those only  movies, they didn't have any complaints. Still they had a lot of questions about the second world, especially the type that involved new things that couldn't be found on earth.

If you haven't noticed 3 things about the Woods by now, you are as blind as a bat. No, blinder than the bat. The first one being, they don't do it for the money or the fame. They do it for the fun and the big picture. And the second, that on the end of all Wood logic their conclusion is *this way nothing can hold me back* The Woods like doing something in the space they created. And the last, when a Wood is deep in thought they look like they are about to die from the pointlessness of living. But there are two more things you should learn before reading further. Most Woods aren't phycopaths or sociopaths and a Wood isn't a Wood if he doesn't explore their options even if it has nothing to do with actual thing that they want to achieve. The reason why this comes into play is because of what is about to happen next. We don't want any misunderstandings.

From the back of the crowd Aunt Lizzy commented "If your main goal is getting richer while cleaning the Earth and building a ton of secret bases couldn't we just put everyone in a coma and let robots take over their body, then order them to clean up the earth and build secret bases while taking their money for the nursing service? Like this we all could enjoy the game on our own without any nitwit interfering with us."

Aunty Mary retorted "That's only for when things get dire."

Further heating up the argument Uncle David, one of the many Woods doing something in mechanical engineering, commented "Technically they wouldn't remember anything. If they ask we could just blame the government."

After a heated discussion and plenty of comments on how possible it was for them to make every other human on the planet make them obey their every command, how easy it was for them to take over the world and the amount of money they could extort and steal from people without really even trying, they refocused their attention on Nik's father who by the way, also joined the discussion.

"Ok, now that I've described the game, I'll be going into the migration plan. With a new headset and detailed game we've broken the record of the most realistic game. The previous record was 97% but I boosted it up to 100% With realism I mean the breeze you will feel, the tastes you will taste, the smallest crack you could see and even the smells you will smell. Everything from the NPCS to the fish in the see. That means we'll need to provide the special headsets to the public. Another point is that the game file is MASSIVE. Even with our high tech computers, we need to prepare a warehouse bigger than some countries especially when it needs to support at least 70% of the population. Although I said 70% I want enough backups to support the whole 10 and a half billion people on the planet. We need to be prepared for every situation.

He continued "Since where you start is almost completely random, we will also introduce the buddy spawning system. Buddy spawning let's you spawn at the same place with someone else. This will be a huge help for family and friends, but be warned the more people you spawn with the rarer a rare race becomes. We did create special races that one can only get with the buddy system, but it only works for up to three and each special race can only be obtained once. (That is also included in the solo spawning.) If you go above three the most you can get is one of the 7 uncommon races."

"First we will introduce the public to the game and give them a weeks time to play with it. We will then let them decide whether to join or not. Even though we'll do a lot of convincing, nothing will be enough to get 70% of the world to migrate all at once. Whether it's showing them the amount of money they can make or how fun the second world is. I think 70% of the world population is a bit of a stretch. We'll only get about 50% of the world population to blindedly trust us and if we give sufficient and logical reasoning we can boost it up to 65% That's because asking the whole world to move is a bit much. And considering the history of emergency meetings, people will be extremely sceptical, but most of all people will also probably not realise the importance of the second world. That's why we'll be doing it in stages. The first stage is the preparation stage. We'll be manufacturing headsets, building warehouses and make the game known to the world. I've already built the main warehouse and the game is already set up. We fully developed the worlds fastest internet yet, yesterday. We hope for it to hold the first wave of people and I already almost made enough headsets. The first stage is almost complete. The second stage is about convincing. We'll migrate people every month. In the first 4 months, we'll take the player's out the game every month, with the hope that they tell other people of their success. Then after the 4 months is over we'll take them out every year for a week. After everyone moved into the game we will keep their bodies safe in another warehouse that will function almost like a morge. We'll be providing the sufficient nutrients for their body to survive and as a bonus there'll be a machine exercising their bodies daily while the player's body is the player is in the game and their bodies unconscious. It may sound creepy but it works. Hopefully when they come out of the game and people see how fit and healthy the bodies of the players are they'll join the migration oppreration. We're also planning to create a whole new currency. The world itself will have only one currency. Small bronze, medium bronze, big bronze, small silver, big silver, small gold, big gold and platinum. A big bronze will be 1 American dollar worth and each coin in succession will be ten times worth more that the previous, except for platinum. Platinum will be 100 times worth more than big gold. In the end platinum will million dollars each. We will give the option to the users to sell their coin, bank the coins in the coin bank or convert it to real money. While the supply chain of coin is short, the market price for coin will shoot up. Hopefully that will attract users to participate in a large scale."

"Every user will have an equal chance in rolling a rare or special race and backstory except for the few lucky individuals that got one of the 1000 exclusive headsets that will completely take out the chance to roll the most common races and backstories. Of course every Wood will get such headset. The rest will be auctioned. This is the most I can do for the Woods. The rest is up to you. That is all I can think of for now, but there's a lot more. You can find most on the public website that will be on public display tomorrow. For the things you can't, you can just ask me. That is it for now, if anyone disagrees with me speak now or forever hold your peace."

Looking at the crowd, you could see them getting crazier by the second. Aunty Mary's jaw looked like it was to fall off from how big she was smiling. Aunty Kate's eyes were so open it looked like her eyeballs were about to fall out. At this point Uncle Ross was pulling his hair out as he muttered at the speed of light. If they make this work, it would be the most elaborate plan the Woods ever created. Getting rich while saving the planet. The more people convert their money the richer they get. They could take fees to convert the money. Although small, if they get the whole world to join in, they could make billions. Things multiplied by 10 billion tend to get big.

Nik's father continued after a moment of sort of silence "I will now be discussing the people in charge of a parts of the oppreration."

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