Uncle Harry's almost zoo

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After that disaster, Nik called for a plane and flew to America for the meeting. Not long after he met his father in America and waited for his mother to arrive. His mother took a trip to China to go meet with Aunt Kate. *Author's note: some of the names aren't there real names, it's just easier to remember.*

Thankfully no Wood needs a passport. It was made a law in each country that every Wood is a citizen of their country and can pass buy their borders whenever they want and however they want. (It's not like the countries can detect their planes anyway) Since most branches of the family moved to other countries long ago and got married to it's citizens, it was just easier to make the Woods a citizen of every country. I guess the fun thing about this situation is that almost no branch family looked like the other. Some have funny accents. Some has strange traits and some were just weird. You would need to spend your whole life trying to figure out each Wood.

Anyhow, the press where all over Nik and his family, but thankfully their attention got split because of all the other family members arriving. But there was still an overwhelming amount of attention on Nik's father. Why wouldn't there be? This is the second time in history an emergency meeting was called. The first time it was called was when Jane Wood *(pls remember author's first note)* proposed the idea of an ultimate overthrowing of the throne. During this time a lot of Woods found themselves to be dukes, viscounts and marquises across the European continent, because of their incredible economic power, wealth and influence. Even though it wasn't as much as the king himself, but it was enough for the king to recognise them as nobles. No mere commoner should hold that much power or it might start something.

Jane proposed to gather as many nobles as they can. They didn't have to get them to agree with them, force was allowed. Some kings and queens knew that they had a distant relatives that was nobles in another kingdom, but it wasn't known that it was that much. It also wasn't known that they kept in touch. No one knew there power over the trade routes. The first thing the Woods did was make sure the trade routes were shut down. They started gathering nobles in secret while the rulers were all having trouble with the trade routes. It also gave them an excuse for the noble gatherings. In one night 7 kingdoms were overthrown and the next month all 36 kingdoms were led by Empress Jane and the Wood family.

Some Woods weren't powerful enough do overthrow a kingdom on their own like marquises, barons and some viscounts. All they had to do was cover the kingdoms eyes and ears while the seven conquered kingdoms send there armies. They wouldn't know a thing before there was an army at their doorstep. Some took it a little further and assassinated some nobles, kings and queens to distract the people from the real problem. With the ruler gone, the Woods from other kingdoms would convince their Kings to attack. And while the two kingdoms battle it out, the Woods take over.

That is why the whole world is making a ruckus. Something big is going to happen. "Maybe they found a new habitable planet?" "Maybe the sun is going to explode tomorrow." Honestly the public was going crazy and they wanted answers. "Sir! Why was this meeting held?" "Sir! Are we in danger?" "Sir..." While Nik's father was being drowned with questions  Nik and some other family members slipped away.

Giggling, Luna dragged Nik and Teo around the crowd. Only a few steps away, there was a massive building. Bigger than a stadium and higher than a skyscraper. Compared to the other buildings in the vicinity, it seemed like it was brought from the future and placed there. And the amount of strange looking weapons... If there were an apocalypse there would be no place safer. There was a strange looking, almost transparent shield, blocking unauthorized personally from entering. Just as Nik stepped into the shield there were devastating screams. There was a man swinging around a gun. "ANYONE MOVE AND THE WOMAN DIES" He was holding  against a reporters head. Nik's father just scoffed and signaled the security to apprehend the man. The man was completely ignored by the Woods. They didn't even look at him. Only the press was going crazy. At this point the confused man was going crazy.

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