♡ bad day ♡

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steven hyde x reader

you rushed out of your house, slamming the door behind you. tears were streaming down your face as you ran and ran down the street.

you had a pretty crappy day. you were up late last night trying to study for your algebra test, and you failed. since you were focused on bringing up your grades, your room wasn't entirely clean, and your parents yelled at you for it.

you were nothing like your sister, jackie. your parents made that very clear everyday. jackie was a cheerleader, with straight a's and a nice-looking boyfriend. she didn't even have to try, she was just naturally perfect.

you were failing all of your classes, you snuck out at night to smoke, and you skipped school sometimes. of course you cared, but at the same time, you didn't.

your parents just went on another spiel about how "you should be more like jackie" and "why can't you do something with your life." it was the same thing every freaking day.

before you knew it, you were in the forest. you slowed down and started walking to the water tower. you grabbed the ladder and climbed and climbed. as you hoisted yourself up, you almost fell backwards as you realized you weren't alone.

your best friend, steven hyde, was sitting with his back against the tower, smoking a blunt. he smiled in shock as he watched you sit down next to him.

"(y/n/n)? what are you doing up here?" he asked you. "i could ask you the same thing, but i'm honestly not surprised." you shrugged. you realized a tear streak was still fresh on your face, and you quickly wiped it away before he could notice.

you've known hyde for a few years now, ever since you and jackie moved to point place in 6th grade. as soon as you met, you were inseparable. you've admitted to yourself freshman year that you had a crush on him, but didn't want to ruin your friendship. so, you've just tried to repress those feelings about him. obviously it didn't work, but you refused to admit that to yourself.

hyde sighed and offered you a hit. you gladly accepted, inhaling the smoke and exhaling out the stress of the day.

as you looked up into the sky, which was slowly turning into a sunset, hyde turned to look at you. "what's on your mind, (y/n/n)?" he smiled. you handed him his blunt.

"what do you mean?"

"hm, let's see. you're usually up here every night, and i haven't seen you in a few days. oh, and i know when something's bothering you, stupid." he rolled his eyes.

you sighed. do you tell him that your day was the worse one yet? that you stayed up all night studying for a stupid math test just to impress your parents and make them actually proud of you for once, for you to fail and them to scream out you about how you're failure and should be more like your slutty sister who doesn't even have to try to get anything? you turned to look at him as tears welled up in your eyes.

hyde slowly took off his sunglasses to look at you better. he looked at you with concern in his eyes. before he could say anything else, you were bawling. hyde wrapped his arm around you, rubbing your back, as you tucked your head into his shoulder.

after a few minutes, you pulled away, wiping your cheeks. "i'm sorry," you whispered. hyde shook his head. "hey. don't be sorry. tell me what's happening, (y/n/n)."

so you told him about everything. the test, you failing, your room, your parents yelling at you, your sister coming home and rubbing it in everyone's face that she aced her test.

you sniffled. "it just sucks, man. i just can't do anything right. they're always like 'jackie this' and 'jackie that'! i do my best to make them proud, but jackie's always been the fucking favorite. i'm such a failure."

hyde grabbed your shoulders gently. "hey. you're not a failure, (y/n). you're smart. you're funny. you're way cooler than anyone else in this lame ass school." you giggled. hyde's smile turned serious.

hyde wiped a stray tear off of your face. "i don't even want to hear you say that again, (y/n). you're the most amazing girl i've ever met." you looked into his eyes.

your heart was beating out of your chest as you both started leaning in. before you knew it, hyde's lips were on yours. they were surprisingly soft, but also slightly chapped. it was perfect. his hand cupped your cheek as you wrapped your hands around his neck. you couldn't believe this was actually happening.

after a minute or two, you both pulled away.

you leaned back into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you, just two kids in love, sitting on a water tower.

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