Chapter 14: The Hidden Quest

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Lily and Rose woke up and went down to the common room. The boys weren't there. They went up to the boys dormitory and knocked. They then opened the door. But the boys weren't there.

"Perhaps there at breakfast?" Lily suggested. Rose nodded and they headed to the great hall. When they got there they looked around at the Gryffindor table but didn't see the boys. They looked at the Ravenclaw table but Lorcan wasn't there. They looked over at the Slytherin table and only saw Scorpious.

They went over to him. When they got there Rose immediately asked, "Where's Albus?" He just shrugged. "Are you sure he wasn't in your com-." He cut her off. "He wasn't in our dormitory or our common room and he's definitely not at breakfast."

Rose sighed.

"Well, then, let's go look for a professor." Lily suggested. Rose and Scorpious nodded.

They were heading down the corridor when they bumped into someone. Lily hoped it was a Professor. When they looked up to see who they had bumped into. It was not the Professor they were hoping for. It was Professor Nair.

"Why aren't you children in class." She sneered, strictly.

Everyone stayed silent. "20 points from Gryffindor and detention for you Mr. Malfoy." She said. She never liked to take points away from Slytherin, so she just gave them detention.

The only reason they knew the boys weren't in classes is because they always waited in the common room or breakfast.

"So, what do we do now?" Asked Scorpious, breaking the silence.

"We do what my dad, Aunt Hermione and Uncle Ron , always did, risk our life's."

"We can't do that. We have to go get Professor Mcgonagall." Rose insisted "Rose, you said I have to get out of my dads shadow, right?" Rose nodded "Well, maybe, just maybe, this is my moment."

Rose sighed "Fine. I suppose." Lily smiled

"Scorp?" They both asked "Sure. I was on board the minute you said it."

"Last thing, where do we start?" He asked

"First things, do you have your wands?" They showed her their wands "Good. Second, how about the Forbidden forest?" Rose suggested.

Lily and Scorpious nodded in agreement and they headed for the Forbidden Forest.

When they got there, there didn't see anyone.

"No one's here." Rose panted

"Well, except me." Said a voice. They turned around and saw Antonin Dolohov.

"Lily, get behind me." Rose demanded "Now!!" Lily didn't go. "Lily Luna Potter, I'm not going to tell you again!!!!" Lily finally obeyed and went behind Rose and Scorpious.

"Do you want to do this the easy way or the hard way." Dolohov teased. Rose and Scorpious said nothing. "Find hard way." He pulled out his wand and shouted and incantation. Their hands were bound to there backs. Their wands fell out of their hands. Lily decided it would be smart to run away. She slowly crept deeper into the forest. Rose and Scorpious were no longer in sight. It was just Lily. She had to save her family. She kept thinking where they could be when finally an idea popped into her head. "The Dungeons!!" She shouted to herself, a little to loud.

She headed toward the dungeons. When she got there she was greeted by Dolohov.

"Well, Well, Harry Potter's daughter." He pulled out his as Lily did hers and they both shouted at the same time.

"Expelliarmus" (Lily's spell)

"Avada Kedavra" (Dolohovs spell)

There spells United.

Meanwhile in the dungeon cell.

"James." Albus whispered


"Remember those watches dad gave us?" James nodded. "Maybe some how we could contact him so he can come and take Dolohov."

"Your not allowed to use muggle electronics." Rose stated

"Well, our dad gave us these enchanted watches, so whenever we want to contact him, we can." Albus explained. Rose nodded. "James did you call dad?"



"Because I don't know how to use it."

Albus rolled his eyes "You git." He then pressed some button on his watch and Harry's face came out.

"Albus?" Harry questioned. It looked like he was in a meeting at the ministry.
"Dad. Funny story. Me, James, Scorp, Rose, Hugo and the Scamanders got captured by Antonin Dolhov."

"Albus. Where's Lily." Albus didn't answer "Albus, Where's my little girl." Albus still didn't answer. "ALBUS SEVERUS POTTER WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER!!!!!!"

"She's dueling Dolohov. Dad don't get mad, just please come."

"Alright. I'm on my way."

"So?" Rose asked eager.

"He's on his way."

A couple minutes later they hear someone shout "EXPELLIARMUS."  And Dolohov's wand flew out of his hand. They all turned around and saw non- other than Harry Potter. He had Dolohov's wand in one hand and his in the other. Someone was opening the cell. It was Ginny Potter. Harry was there and Ginny, Hermione, Ron, Luna, Rolf and Draco. All the parents hugged there children. Ginny was scolding James, "JAMES SIRIUS POTTER!!!!" She was yelling.

Harry rounded on Lily, "Lily Luna Potter, you could have gotten killed. Why did you do that." She was looking down a face of guilt on her face. "I'm am so proud of you." Harry told her. She looked up at him a look of relief. He continued, "I am so proud of you. You took on a former death eater all by yourself." Lily hugged Harry. "Well, we better be going." He said. He and all the aurors (who were taking Dolohov) left.

The school year was over. Slytherin had won the house cup. They were now heading home after a crazy year of school. Everyone had started to call Lily by her name. The year had been eventful.
That's the end of my FanFiction. Hope you liked it.

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