Anderperry- Light Up Your Eyes

Start from the beginning

"I don't think I'll do that but I'm going to find out what's in that poem."

I walked back to our room to see Todd working on another poem. He was sitting on his bed with a confused look on his face. Every few seconds he would mumble something to himself and write it down. He always looked so adorable when he writes. I love when he writes poems because he gets so absorbed in what he's doing that he doesn't even notice me staring at him. Poem times are very good times.

After staring at him for a few minutes I knock on the doorframe and he slightly jumps and jerks his head up towards me. He folded his notebook closed and set it to the side.

"Are you working on a new poem?"

"No I was actually trying to fix the old one but it still isn't very good."

"What's wrong with it? Maybe I can help."

"Well I uh- I still don't want you to read it."

"I don't have to you can just tell me what you think needs fixing."

"I'm- I'm trying to write this for someone but I'm scared they'll hate the meaning of it."

"Well then you don't think the poem's bad, you think the person's reaction will be bad."

"I guess."

"Who's it for?"

"I don't want to tell you."


"Because I don't."

"Is it for me?" He quickly averted his gaze when I said that. His face turned a cute shade of pink and he started fiddling with his shirt again. "It is isn't it," I said as my face lit up. I couldn't help it. Todd wrote a poem about me. Me! I definitely need to find a way to read it.

"I-I um yeah. Yeah it is," he said honestly. At that moment he looked like he was about to puke.

"Hey it's ok. I'm sure I'll love it! Can I read it?"

"I-I don't really think you'll like it." Before he could tell me not to read it I snatched it off his bed. He lunged to grab it back but I had already flipped to the page and started quietly reading it out loud.

"His eyes pierce mine and I wish I could look away but I can't. His milk chocolate eyes are so beautiful yet so full of sorrow. They light up when he acts like they have never seen sadness. I wish I could find a way to always keep his eyes lit."

I slowly lift my gaze from the paper to meet Todd's eyes. He looks like he's about to bawl. I slowly walk backwards and gently shut the door. Before I have the chance to say anything Todd starts talking at rapid speed.

"I'm sorry I showed you I know you probably hate me now but I really wanted to write a poem about you and so I did but you kept on asking and asking to see it and I couldn't take it anymore because you always look so cute when you ask to see my poems so I couldn't help myself and I-"

"Hey Todd calm down. Take a deep breath ok?"


"I don't hate you. I could never hate you."

"You couldn't?"

I lightly chuckle and give him a soft smile. "I've been in love with you for the past three months and I was always scared you would hate me if you found out. Turns out we were both scared for nothing."

"Wait, you actually like me too?"

"Of course silly!" I can't help myself and I wrap Todd in a tight hug. He hesitates for a moment before accepting my embrace. I breath in his wonderful cologne and whisper in his ear, "I've always wanted to hug you like this. You look so huggable."

He whispers back in my ear, "well I've always wanted to do this."

He breaks from our embrace and cups my face in his hands. He stops for a moment and looks me in the eyes. I give him quick nod and he quickly connected our lips. I never wanted that moment to end. His lips were soft and tasted like mint chapstick. He broke apart our quick kiss and his face was super flushed.

He squeaked out a quick little 'wow' and I replied, "This is the best thing that has ever happened to me."

Both of our mouths crack into wide grins and I reach down to hold his hand. "Hey guess what," he says quietly.


"Your eyes are lit."

"So are yours. I only see them like that when you write poetry. Let's hope they light up more often from now on."

We gently rest our foreheads together until my head shoots up. "Can I tell Charlie about us?"

He obviously looks like I've gone mental and asks a quick, "what?"

"Can I tell Charlie? He already knows that I like you more than a friend so I feel like he should know. And he won't tell anyone. I know he acts like an idiot but he's a great friend."

"I um, sure I guess."

"Thanks I'll be right back!"
I book it down the hall and enter Charlie's room. Cameron is still trying to help them and Charlie looks pissed. I motion for Charlie to come out into the hall and he follows me.

"Charlie guess what," I whisper yell at him.


"We kissed!"

He looks amazed. "No way! Good for you man! Did you make the first move?"

"No it was actually Todd."

"Wow I never would've thought he would make the first move. Well whatever I'm just glad that you two can stop pinning over each other. It was starting to get annoying."

"Says the one who stares at Knox 24/7."

"You better get back to your boyfriend I think he misses you."

"Uh huh ok Charlie sure. See you later lover boy!"

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