Anderperry- Light Up Your Eyes

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*Neils pov*

"Todd's been acting different lately. He never really talks to me anymore. He's become even more closed off and I didn't even think that was possible. Like yesterday I asked if I could read his poem, which he always used to let me read, and he just shrugged me off and said it, 'wasn't very good.' Charlie you know that his poems are amazing! What should I do?"

A smirk made it's way onto Charlie's face and he casually said, "Just go up and kiss him. He'll have something to say about that."

"Charlie I'm being serious! What if he hates me now?"

"There's no way in hell that Todd hates you. When people start pushing themselves away like that it's because they've got a secret they don't want you to know. My guess is that he's in love with you."

"Don't get my hopes up Charlie."

"I'm just saying what I'm thinking. Hey, I got to study with Knox. I'll see ya later."

"Yeah ok have a good time 'studying.' Both of us know you're just gonna stare at him the whole time."

"Whatever Romeo. Have fun with lover boy!" He ran out of the room and as I heard his footsteps fade into the distance Todd came into the room.

"Hey what was that about," he asked in a soft voice.

"Just Charlie being Charlie. Hey, I have a question."


"Why didn't you let me read your poem yesterday?" He tensed up at that question. His eyes shifted from my gaze to his shoes and he started playing with his shirt.

"I already told you it wasn't very good. I don't like people seeing my bad work."

"But you always let me look at your poems! Even the ones you think are bad!"

"It's just bad so drop it."

"Fine. I'll see you later." To be honest I didn't want to leave but Todd looked like he needed some space. I decided I would go to see what Charlie and Knox are doing so I head down to Charlie's room. I walk in and see that Cameron has joined them and Charlie does not look pleased.

"Hey what are you guys working on," I say as I sit on the corner of Charlie's bed.

"Well me and Knox were working on Latin before Cameron decided that we should all work on math together."

"Well I just thought that since you guys aren't doing the best in math that I could help you," Cameron stated with pride.

"No one cares that you have the highest grade in the class Cameron!"

"Sounds like you're just jealous Charlie."

"Why would I be jealous of you? Nobody's cooler than Nuwanda," he said as his face split into a grin.

"Yeah whatever idiot."

"Hey Nuwanda can I talk to you for a bit?"

"Sure Neil, as long as it gets me away from Cameron."

I dragged Charlie out into the hall and whispered to him about what just happened with Todd.

"The poem was probably about you. He got all awkward when you mentioned it and he would not act like that if it was just because he thought the poem was bad."

"Charlie how on Earth are you this good at noticing things and yet you still act like a dumbass?"

"It's a gift," he said with a chuckle. "Now go March into that room and tell Todd how you feel."

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